Policies. the municipal politicians are getting older – over a quarter have reached retirement age, according to statistics from statistics Sweden. While committed to getting young people into politics.
young people are underrepresented among the country’s politicians. The worst is in Munkfors, where no politician is under 30, although the age group represents 18 percent of the population.
Meanwhile, the older more among Swedish municipal politicians. From the previous parliament was growing proportion aged 65 or older by 4 percentage points to 27 percent.
Old Habo
Håbo the largest share of old politicians, 45 percent.
– It’s a bit of a bedroom community with many young people who commute and many older people who have retired, says the city council’s 61-year-old chairman Ulf Winberg (M).
He has a simple explanation for why the country’s politicians are getting older: Seniors have time.
– Young people with a family can not take time off from work to any degree. You sit in an awful lot of councils, have the task and one to the third. It will be an awful lot of hours and it can not employers, says Ulf Winberg.
Young in Lund
20-year-old student Felix Solberg (M) is the youngest councilors in Lund, the municipality with the highest percentage of young elected representatives, 23 percent. That Lund is a student believes he explains how politicians crowd looks.
– As a student you learn to say what you think. Therefore, many people are involved.
Solberg calls for more talks about politics in school to attract younger. How representation looks are important, he says.
– The more different people to get into politics, the more ideas you get. And the more ideas, the greater the chance that one of them is good, says Felix Solberg.
More young and old politicians
the municipalities with the highest percentage of young elected representatives, 18-29
Municipality Percentage
Lund 23
Vaxjo 20
Umeå 20
Botkyrka 19
Karlstad 19
Stockholm 17
Uppsala 17
Gothenburg 17
Eskilstuna 16
Malmo 16
the municipalities with the highest proportion of older trustees, 65+ years
Håbo 45
Ovanåker 44
Danderyd 42
Nykvarn 42
Gnesta 41
Smedjebacken 40
Gullspångsälven 40
Hedemora 40
Bjuv 39
Sotenas 39
Source: Statistics

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