The police were alerted during the Thursday evening of train crews of a suspected dangerous objects on board a train to Stockholm.
National bombers guard working during the night to search the train.
– Two people appearing for questioning, said Fredrik Kliman at the police Eastern region.
Shortly after three o’clock in the investigation was terminated when no dangerous objects found on the train.
the train bound for Stockholm was stopped on Thursday night a short distance outside Katrineholm. Transport Administration had initially no further information, other than that it was a “train stop on the police request.”
SOS Alarm later stated that it has been engaged in the case.
– The Police leading the operation. As we understand it has not exploded anything without it being more a threat, said an operator.
Fredrik Kliman at police in Eastern Region states at 22.45 that there are people on the train who created “concern “.
– Train staff alerts us that people expressed itself in such a way that it created anxiety among fellow passengers, he said.
– We know roughly what was said on board but I will not go into the exact language, but we have taken it seriously.
stopped and evacuated
After determining that the train would be stopped evacuated all the passengers on board. National bombers guard was called in to search the train, which before the crawl started was moved to a side track.
– The train has been moved and is currently in progress scan, including the use of dogs, says Fredrik Kliman.
train traffic past Katrineholm was stopped for nearly four hours because of the threat on the train on the way to Stockholm.
First, at 00:15 said Trafikverket traffic rolled again.
the train crawled during the night
Fredrik Kliman says the 02-time that it is still unclear when the bomb group may be ready.
– There is a lot to be worked through, including some luggage so it is time consuming and will probably take a few hours. National bombing protection is in place and X-ray bags and go through the train with dogs.
– It’s not all the travelers who had to leave their luggage, but there are some coaches regard. And those people will have to wait.
Late in the evening had interviews held with the two people who gathered in for further questioning. What has emerged in the interrogation does not wish the police to go into.
– There is no formal suspicion. It is the man who should have expressed himself in a way that caused concern and the other who is a witness to this event simply says Fredrik Kliman.
Prosecutors will be contacted, but currently is not arrested in connection with the incident.
“We have taken it very seriously”
Fredrik Kliman wanted late in the night is still not comment on what was said to proclaim the great throttle.
– no, not in detail. It has been said has made other on the train concerned, and we have taken it very seriously, he said.
At 3:17 ended the National bombing protection unde increase.
– It’s performed, complete and ready. They found nothing dangerous object so it’s quiet now and the matter is actually completely finished, says Jan freezer, duty officer at the police in Östergötland.
The police say that there are no criminal charges.

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