In the UK Waney Squier, a specialist in neuropathology, participated in several lawsuits in which parents accused of injuring their children through skakvåld. In testimony Squier denied diagnosed skakvåld against children (shaken baby syndrome). She has also been a party expert in legal cases concerning two Swedish skakvåld. In both cases, parents convicted in the Court of Appeal, but then granted stature and acquitted by the Supreme Court, writes Dagens Medicin.
But Medical Practioners Tribunal Service (MPTS), which has examined six court cases, has now established that Waney Squier has deliberately misled and lied to the courts, why MPTS see no other choice than to suspend her license to practice medicine.
the Swedish judicial system has raised the question diagnosed skakvåld. But Swedish Pediatric Society held as late as March 2015 that the prevalence of diagnosed skakvåld of infants and toddlers is scientifically established. The Swedish pediatricians thus supports the American Paediatric Society’s position.

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