It was a few weeks ago that Abo Raad close relative pronounced death threats against Anna Gullberg, a former channel head of Swedish Radio P4 Dalarna. The threats should have been that the relative at least two occasions during a phone call saying that Gullberg be killed or injured.
The police chief who took the call drew up a declaration of unlawful threats.
Gefle Dagblad has in a long series of articles examining the management of Gävle mosque and their links to radical Islamism.
Learn more: Gävle mosques to spread extreme interpretation of Islam
at the end of february revealed that board member Ali Al Ganas uploaded pictures of the terrorist organization IS flag on his instagramkonto. In connection with the images were, among other things: “We Muslims love, honor and raise the flag”.
Two days after that DG has published data were made death threats, directed personally against the newspaper’s editor in chief and responsible publisher Anna Gullberg.
– The threats against me has been in talks with a police officer, and can be directly linked to the publications that we made around Gavle mosque. The person who threatens is in the leader’s immediate vicinity.
– We continue to review and lets us obviously not stopped. A preliminary investigation has begun. I hope that the judicial system can make it clear that this type of threat to media is not something that society accepts, says Anna Gullberg.
Learn more: Shared IS propaganda on instagram
the police is still reticent regarding the ongoing investigation. Förundersökningssektretess prevails and the investigator Borje Hjelm can not say much more than that Imam close relative is reasonable suspicion – the lower degree of suspicion – for the assault.
– The person is heard a week ago or so, and now we’ll look whether we should proceed with this to the prosecutor or not.
How does the suspect to the accusations?
– as I understood it as he does not want to acknowledge that he should have exposed anyone for any threat.
According to the police, complementary interviews will be held.
As the editor in chief and publisher of a newspaper is Anna Gullberg a representative of free speech. According Gavleborg Police spokesperson Michael Hedstrom looks right device more serious cases where people in the other positions “in the social structure” is threatened. The standard of proof is always the same, and when a threat is carried out via a third person, it can make the case more complicated.
– Unlawful threat is difficult. If you and I stand on the street and there are witnesses, and I clearly pronounce a threat, then there is no difficulty. The problem is when a threat is pronounced to another person, even if it is a police officer, then it may be more difficult to prove the offense and the intent, says Michael Hedstrom.
Anna Gullberg:
– We have an important role in the local community and the DG’s journalists have a vulnerable and tough job. The local journalism is under very strong pressure today. Hot and hatred are becoming more common and is a major health and safety problems on a daily basis for many journalists, especially in social media. This type of personalized targeted threats, I hope that the police take very seriously.
The threats also affect Muslims, says Anna Gullberg.
– I also worry for Muslims in general, suffer from disrespect, or risk being adhered to those extreme views Gefle Dagblad in their review has been able to connect to what is a smaller group within the Gävle Islamic Center’s management and the circuit closest to the imam.
Shortly after the DG’s review of Gavle mosque began last fall, police announced that a bomb threat made against the newspaper. Someone would have called the police, and in a conversation about the DG’s publications mentioned a bomb. Crime of was later changed to false alarms.
Gefle Dagblad scrutiny of Islamist extremism in Gavle:
June 2015: Canadian Said Rageah preaching in Gavle mosque. He had earlier preached that women should not be allowed to leave home except in exceptional cases.
July 2015 Abo Raad is responsible for the content of homepage which among other things calls on Muslims not to integrate into Swedish society.
September 2015 Gavle mosques to spread the most extreme form of Islam among other means the abolition of democracy, take away the rights of women, the introduction of Sharia law and the death penalty on homosexuals.
Even articles that Gävleimamen Abo Raad pointed out as the militant Islamism religious leaders in Sweden and to a mosque representatives dream about to use an IS-pass .
October 2015: Two young men hung out in Gävle mosque before they traveled to Syria war with terrorist groups .
December 2015: terrorist Financier is connected to the founding of Gavle mosque. Salafist foundation in Qatar financed the purchase of Gavle moskés premises.
February 2016 Board of Gävle mosque shared IS propaganda on his instagram.

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