The Mountain Rescuers and police helicopter were sent to the scene to rescue the mountain hiker, who is 25 years old.
– When the mountain rescuers get there it’s so steep and deep that you can not use the equipment they have with , says Patrik Linder, duty officer at the police in Norrbotten.
the rescue operation was delayed more to police its own helicopter is not functioning as it should.
– So we must avail ourselves of the Norwegian rescue helicopter from Bodo to come and help us winch, says Patrik Linder.
the accident occurred in Nearby of a mountain lodge. The injured man was about 50 meters down into the canyon. He should have been awake and contactable during the day.
At halvsex-time came the rescue helicopter from Bodo in Norway at the location. It was equipped with a winch and at 19 o’clock had rescue teams managed to get the man out of the ravine.
He was conscious but needed painkillers. He has been flown to hospital in Gällivare and, according to police possibly have damaged hip.
The rescue work was difficult and complicated that it started snowing heavily at the scene, police said.
There were companions to the man who alerted about the accident.

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