A serious motorcycle accident has occurred outside Stockholm.
Police and emergency services went on alert.
– A man is taken to hospital with serious injuries, says Nicklas Mattsson, duty officer at the Stockholm police.
The police were alerted shortly after the 18th
A motorcycle, car and the truck has been involved in a traffic accident on County Road 257 between Grödinge and Rosenhill.
Supply to hospitals
Ambulance and emergency services were called to the scene, and the man is taken to the Karolinska University Hospital with serious injuries .
– The motorcycle had gone into several parts. The police began to walk along the ditch where the parts
– This is a very accident prone stretch. A little further on, they put up a sign that they are warning that this route is very unfortunate when it comes to motorcycles.
At 19 o’clock the police and emergency still in place, police said.
The injured motorcycle driver are in their 30s and residents south of Stockholm.

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