Monday, August 17, 2015

Release Stefan Löfven from the left cage – Vestmanlands County Newspaper

Provide S-MP-government space to put a budget without having to agree with the Left.

Yesterday was both Prime Minister Stephen Löfven (S) and the party leader Jonas Sjöstedt (V) their sommartal. It was on its way symbolic.

By December- agreement (DIE) hangs parties together, the Left Party is not in the government. DO’s starting point is that the main political blocs will get through its budget, whatever the Sweden Democrats find on.

The Left counted in the Red-Green block. Therefore, Jonas Sjöstedt, as of yesterday, making demands on what must be included in the budget.

The Left has thus gained a comfortable position.

The party can influence the budget and highlight the negotiating successes. This eliminates the Left to take responsibility for the government’s entire policy.

Jonas Sjöstedt could attack the government for bringing a passive environmental policy, and stresses that the Left Party is fundamentally an opposition party. But at the same time make demands on what should be included in the government budget.

It is to have your cake and eat it.

Stefan Löfven talked about other than the Left. There was a little harsher tone on immigration.

The high rates sounded more like a humanitarian sacrifice than that it is good for Sweden as more people come here.

New-old demands for expanded Polytechnic and better matching reappeared, and Löfven criticized bourgeois proposals on blurred las and lower starting salaries.

It is natural that the state minister and the leader of the largest party talked about other than the Left in his sommartal. But Stefan Löfven will need to speak with the Left more, to put together a budget.

It should not be necessary. The bourgeois parties will apparently add your own budget motions, and then there is no comprehensive alliance budget.

This means in turn that S-MP Government budget will be the largest even without the Left Party’s support . And should then be able to go through on their own.

In this situation it becomes preposterous to interpret die as the Red-Greens have put the overall budget. It strengthens the Left Party’s negotiating position, which is likely to lead to the budget may be higher taxes and spending than it otherwise would have had.

It is not in the bourgeois parties and bourgeois voters’ interest. Perhaps tacticians hope it will be easier to win the next election if the government is forced to make up with the Left Party.

But new spending tends to be difficult to change afterwards. Any bourgeois government may therefore have to live with more of left politics.

Maybe you want S-MP Government nevertheless agree with the Left. But it will fail if the alliance parties through the DIE will force a more leftist policies. Content should be more important than tactics.


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