Sunday, August 23, 2015

FP leader invests in election 2018 – Sydsvenskan

Housing Minister Mehmet Kaplan (MP) agree that it must be easier and cheaper to build more housing and it must be invested in more housing for the housing to be resolved.

– It does not dissolve by itself or as Björklund wants, by raising the rents for young people and students – those who have the toughest, says Mehmet Kaplan.

– I take it that he wants to raise the rent for rental units and it is not that we solve the vulnerable situation of many young students.

HH: Do you see only winner with your proposal?

– Yes, says Jan Björklund.

– Today’s housing policy has been created for social reasons, but the problem is that when so many do not get into it creates in rather than an outsider. The build too little is what drives up the prices of the existing market.

Marie Linder, Chairman of the Federation Tenants Association, does not believe that FP the proposal is a good solution.

– If one wants to reduce consumer protection for about three million tenants, who are their suggestions, so do not understand me how it could lead to more homes.

In November must FP’s new housing policy discussed at the congress, and there will also Jan Björklund be elected for a new two-year period. The nomination committee agrees, and he has been nominated by the 15 county associations. FP leader is popular despite the poor election results and declining numbers.

TT: Have FP a skilled leader but a bad policy?

– All alliance parties backed the election, now is the revenge that terms, answers Jan Björklund.

HH: Missing a contender?

– party leaders issue has been thoroughly discussed in the party and the is entirely natural. But it has landed in that I had a strong attendance.


Body found after the incident with the boat – Aftonbladet

A man disappeared after a boating accident on Klarälven in Värmland on Saturday and whereabouts, including dog patrols.

On Sunday morning found a dead person in the river, probably the missing man .

The alarm on the incident came shortly before 21 on Saturday night. Three men had then gone out in the boat. The vessel sank for unknown reasons and the men and ended up in the river Klarälven, from Forshaga and Karlstad.

– One enters the country, another takes on a sandbank in the middle of the river, and a third is missing, says Morgan Connedal .

A rescue operation påggick Saturday evening to find the missing man. Police used, among other things, dog patrols to probe the edges of the river. Emergency services have searched for the man, including a boat.

At 23 o’clock interrupted the search for the night because of darkness and was resumed on Sunday morning.

Just a moment later found dead person Klarälven in Karlstad, reports news agency TT. Police believe that the case of the missing man.


Are people who want to take out their anger against Haga man “- Aftonbladet

The threat against the Haga man has been found all over the country since he was conditionally free.

– There are people who want to take out their anger against him, says criminologist Tage Alalehto on Umeå University.

The responsibility for Niklas Lindgren protection of the police – but what is done is secret.

Börje Öhman Communications at police Regions north and states that in cases where high-profile offenders released conditionally the police to be responsible for their safety.

– We do, of course, a threat and risk assessment on the need of it. But we never comment on what we come up with, or if any person has some form of protection, says Börje Öhman.

The risk of relapse

He states that the most common protection is positioned emergency telephone which is directly linked to police control.

– There is full range of sound advice is the lowest forward to what the Prime Minister has, and it’s bodyguard. In between, there is a spectrum.

While there is a check of the paroled – but it is managed by the Probation Service.

Tage Alalehto, a criminologist at Umeå University, sees a number of challenges for society as a high profile criminal will be released as Lindgren. He says Niklas Lindgren also have a responsibility.

– When it comes to the threat against him is his own great responsibility. He must keep a colossal low profile and I am a bit concerned when it comes to that. He did not accept the restrictions that he could not move in the Umeå area. He has only seen their own rights, says Tage Alalehto.

The threat landscape is changing

If the threat he says:

– There’s a threat against him and it there are people who would like to have a few things to say to him. Especially since he created so much concern for so long. There are people who may want to take out their anger against him, people who are cursed.

READ ALSO PLUS Haga man’s first victim: a 14-year-old girl

Borje Ohman would not comment on the beating of Norrbotten in detail but generally say that a Threat Assessment can quickly change drastically.

– Do we do an assessment that is not right, we must make a new start and a new assessment. The threat landscape live every day, every minute, and can be changed through a phone call or an event. It is not cast in stone.


The search was canceled in Klarälven – Dagens Industri

The search was canceled in Klarälven

                  2015-08-23 02:19

Three men in a boat ran into an accident on the Klarälven on Saturday night. Two of them managed to get to the country since the boat tipped over, but the third man is missing.

Emergency services and police searched the boat and the dog for several hours, but without finding the missing.

We have suspended the search and will resume it tomorrow when it gets lighter. We will then also try to get a helicopter, says Per-Arne Eriksson, duty officer at the Värmland police

The water’s strong current at the accident site situated between Karlstad and Forshaga.


Saturday, August 22, 2015

Kikhosteskydd for newborns investigated – Dagens Industri

Kikhosteskydd for newborns investigated

                  2015-08-22 04:02

In several other countries offered to pregnant women pertussis vaccine to protect newborns against the disease. Now investigates the Public Health Agency of expectant mothers should be vaccinated in Sweden.

Last year, tripled the number of cases of pertussis in Sweden and small children that had not been immunized are at risk.

A dozen children Sweden each year have whooping cough before they can be vaccinated, and often become so ill that they require hospitalization, reports SR echo.


Suspected thieves caught in the container – Today’s News




It is easy to go into a container, but it may be harder to get out. It had two men now suspected of attempted theft experience on Saturday night. “You can fall on his own grasp,” said Albin Birch bark Berg at the Stockholm police.




It is easy to go into a container, but it may be harder to get out. It had two men now suspected of attempted theft experience on Saturday night. “You can fall on his own grasp,” said Albin Birch bark Berg at the Stockholm police.

Goods Containers belonging to an electronics store, was locked on Friday evening, the staff did not know that two unauthorized person had entered.

– Probably they had taken the opportunity to go in when the goods were loaded in or out. The containers are large, so the staff locked without seeing that someone was still inside. They were given a dark and cozy place to sleep, says Albin Birch bark Mountains.



When the staff opened container again on Saturday morning found the two men. They were arrested by staff and police were called.

The men are already known to the police and the theft context. They are suspected of attempted theft.






Woman killed in drowning accident – Dagens Industri

Woman killed in drowning accident

                  2015-08-20 21:39

A woman in her 50s has died after a drowning accident outside Viken in Sweden. There were individuals who managed to get her out of the water at 19.30 on Thursday.

They also began CPR, says Lennart Linderos, internal command at the Emergency Services Scania northwest.

The woman was taken to hospital but her life could not be saved. Her relatives are informed.


Truck ran over the quayside –

It was a Friday night as a truck drove errors in Nynashamn ferry and instead drove straight into the water.

– The driver must have driven over the quay in connection with that he would make a turnaround. There is no suspicion of crime, but right now we regard it as an accident, says Sylvia Oldin, county spokesman at the Stockholm police.

The truck must have been a truck with a trailer behind fell in principle to the bottom, with only a portion of the rear end sticking up.

– The driver got out himself and taken care of by paramedics. He escaped from serious injuries but was so clearly been cooled and shocked, said Henrik Nyman, chief operating officer at the rescue center of Stockholm.

The Coast Guard had a ship just near so they joined in the rescue.

– The Coast Guard sent divers down to check that there were no additional people in the cab, which there was not. The last thing we did was to put an oil boom around to prevent any fuel to spread, said Henrik Nyman.

Gotland ferry was coming in to dock in connection with the accident could leave their passengers. During the night the Ports of Stockholm to get up truck.

– The ferry has been and left by the passengers. Right now, we are working to bring together what is needed to recover the truck. Crane truck and towing is underway, then we hope to get divers into place soon, too, says Markus Johansson, Ports of Stockholm at 23.45.

Next Gotland Ferry coming into Nynashamn at 10.30 on Saturday morning. At 05:35 was still at salvaging truck.

– We are still and I really do not know how long it will take. We try to take it apart to make it easier to pick up, says Markus Johansson.

Will you have time to get it up before the Gotland ferry arrives?

– We aim at it, we work to be done until then, says Markus Johansson.


Friday, August 21, 2015

M wants new qualifying – Aftonbladet

Politics. Moderates want to introduce a new qualifying day in sickness insurance. After the 14 day of illness enters a new waiting period. The party also says no to increased compensation levels and that the sunset clause be deleted.

– We must limit the long sick leave, saying the party’s economic political spokesperson Ulf Krister Petersson.

Conservatives warn that the unplanned cost increases in absenteeism, unemployment and migration threatens other public commitments. The party’s economic policy working group is therefore presenting a “package of cost management”.

– It is about 53 billion total in unplanned cost increases over the forecast period up to 2019. It is astronomical, says Ulf Krister Petersson.

Increased control

The increase in absenteeism is to be stopped. A fund will be a clear shift insurance. Migration of expenditure must be limited. And new measures will be towards fraud and benefit fraud.

In addition to a new qualifying day for 14 days and no to removed the deadline and the increased remuneration proposes M to numerical targets introduced for sickness benefit century, ungerför the Riksbank’s inflation target. Social Insurance Control of the time limits will be tightened. At the same time suggests M that the waiting period is about a qualifying deduction.

Safe countries

In the UIF says M no to an increase in the remuneration of SEK 910 per day the first hundred days. The ceiling proposed lowered to 760 kronor, the first three hundred days. Next, to 680 kronor per day.

Immigration Expenditures want the Conservatives to limit by introducing the principle of “safe countries” of asylum claims from countries with low discharge rate. Instead it today costly HVB accommodation for unaccompanied refugee proposed support rate housing. And compensation from the state to municipalities for housing should be a flat-rate payment.

Total calculates the Conservatives to save 17.9 billion crowns by 2019 on the various measures.


Drunk man in the joyride – Folkbladet

At one o’clock in the night of Saturday, police were calls from witnesses on the E22 which saw a suspected drunk driver.

– It’s a drunken gentleman who drove car from Soderkoping down towards Valdemarsvik. The car has bounced between the cable railings on the way, says Torbjörn Lindqvist, the provincial officer in charge of police commanders.

The car swung sharply in speed and had both wipers and main beam switched on during the entire journey.

The driver took it all the way up to the Old National Road in Valdemarsvik, where he crashed into another car.

– The car became so debilitated that he could not go anywhere, says Torbjörn Lindqvist.

Police omhädertog man, who is in her 70s, and he now suspected of drunk driving. No people were hurt in the crash.


Lost dolphin may be dead – Radio Sweden

A dead dolphin found on Öland yesterday and it may be the bottlenose dolphin Lost that have moved outside the Östergötland coast during the summer.

According to the newspaper survey found that almost three meters long washed ashore carcass at Bodudden on northern Öland.

Head of Research Mats Amundin at Kolmarden Zoo looked at the photos and says to P4 Östergötland that it can not be excluded that the battered carcass a bottlenose dolphin.

– It is difficult to say whether this is Lost, but most probably I would say that it is a bottlenose dolphin, says Mats Amundin.

By dolphin P4 Östergötland listeners dubbed the Lost was seen was in the neighborhood of Valdemarsvik in early July.


IVO warns: Children can suffer harm – Dagens Industri

IVO warns: Children can suffer harm

                  2015-08-20 22:51

In one year the number of HVB homes for unaccompanied refugee children increased rapidly, today there are 657 pieces, reports the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet. Inspectorate for Health Care (IVO) to ensure the quality of Lodging it difficult to cope with its task.

For private providers require a permit from the IVO to power homes, IVO will also visit businesses twice a year and then the children will have the opportunity to talk to the inspectors. But to catch it would have major consequences for the rest of supervision under the IVO. Now the alarm for the children to come to harm in the situation.

It is an exceptional situation currently. It will require solutions on many levels, I think. Municipalities have difficult problems to solve places, says IVO’s General Gunilla Hult Backlund to the newspaper.

In total there are 1470 HVB homes in Sweden.


Truck in the water at the Gotland ferry – Expressen

A truck ended up in the water in Nynashamn in connection Gotland ferry, states SOS Alarm.

– He would swing around with the truck, but was too far out and ended up in the water, said Albin Birch bark Berg, the Stockholm police command center.

The police have not reached the place yet.

– At 21:36 we received an alarm that a truck ran over the edge and ended up in the water in Nynashamn. We do not know for what reason right now, says Albin Birch bark Berg, the Stockholm police command center.

The entire truck and their trailers must have fallen into the water. The dramatic progress had one person close to sound the alarm.

– A truck with trailer has fallen into the water and sunk to the bottom of unclear reason. A lone driver managed to escape and swim to shore, said Henrik Nyman, chief operating officer at Södertörn Fire Department.

The man should be medtagen but alive, according to rescue services.

The Coast Guard sent down divers to ensure that there were not more people in the truck, which it did not.

– now under control of the truck’s contents. We must ensure that there are no hazardous contents in the truck, said Henrik Nyman.

The police believe it is too early to assess the case if there is any suspicion of crime against the driver.

– We’ve made a mandatory nykterhetskontroll of him, says Albin Birch bark Mountains.

The text is updated.


Furtenbach: Surprising happy noises – Swedish Radio

The Government today announced the financial forecast concerning the forthcoming budget for next year. They are surprisingly positive, but not everything is rosy in the Swedish economy, says echoes The domestic political commentator Frederick Furtenbach.

Was there anything that surprised ?

– I think it was surprisingly cheerful noises from Magdalena Andersson. If you look closer at the numbers the government is now a bit more optimistic than it was in June, but there are no major differences. Unemployment is expected to be slightly lower than the government previously believed. The deficit in the state treasury will be slightly smaller, the economy is largely in balance in 2018. And right it will be understood timely for the government who need to invest in the next election.

– But this does of course not all is peaceful and delight in the Swedish economy. Unemployment looks set to remain above six percent for several years. And the real momentum among Swedish export companies lingers. There are some bad signals to the outside world as well, including from China, and I believe that such government NIER is a major forecasters instead learn to adjust down their future forecast a bit.

The Government has promised to fund all its reforms without borrowing. It has few opportunities to invest in the budget in the autumn?

– I think we will see rather large investments in the fall. The government has already this spring announced investments of 13 billion. Moreover, it has money left over from tax cuts as announced and that it is not made of. The will that it teaches come up with new savings, Magdalena Andersson opened today to increase the tax increases that the government already presented.

– Some cost increases with the state, and it increases the deficit. For example, compensation for the sick, assistance benefit and the cost of accepting refugees. But that kind of increased costs borrows the state simply. Which does not apply the government principle that new spending will be paid with new savings, the principle only applies to reform.

The Social Democrats should not just agree with the Green Party, but also with the Left. How difficult will it be?

– Negotiations between the parties on how the state’s money will be used is of course always a tug of war. And the Left Party has issued a series of demands for the budget in the autumn. But the Left is a tactic that involves the requests of deserving initiatives that do not cost very much. For instance, more money for the care of young people with mental illness. And it is a tactic that so far seems to pay dividends.

– However, some savings that the Left asked for far more controversial. They have demanded a higher capital tax, for example, reinstated capital, and reduced interest deductions, which would thus give the more expensive mortgages. Although the pressure is increasing on the government to limit interest deductions teaches these savings will be much harder to get through.


Shall have been kept locked up and raped – in six months – Aftonbladet

A young woman should be half a year have been kept locked up and raped – before she managed to escape.

Now, suspected of a whole family of involvement in the crimes.

The son arrested, on suspicion of rape and assault, said Jönköpings-Posten.

Now underway hearing against his father.

The family is from Jönköping and all four family members suspected of involvement in crimes against the young woman, reports P4 Jönköping.

– We detained four family members at the beginning of the week. Now, I ask two of those detained – the father and son, prosecutors said Anna Mårtensson told Aftonbladet.

deny the charges

Prosecutors and police suspect that the girl kept locked up for six months, from September last year to March this year. The woman stated that she was in the same period have been beaten and raped by the father and son in the family, before she managed to escape from there last spring.

Then she got help from another family who also should have helped her to get in contact with the police.

– She ran away from this family residence in the spring to an unknown family, says Anna Mårtensson.

The father, who is in her 40s, and her son, in 20s, suspected of unlawful detention for several months and several rapes and beatings.

The father sought custody of two counts of aggravated rape, and the son of a rape and assault.

– They deny the crime, prosecutors said Anna Mårtensson.

Four suspects – two detainees

The two men are reasonably suspected of crimes, the lower degree of suspicion.

– We have some supporting evidence, but in the current situation, I expect not that in the present position reaches the probable cause, says Anna Mårtensson.

The daughter of the family, who are in their late teens, has previously been detained on suspicion of unlawful detention, but according P4 Jönköping released, although suspicions remain. The mother, who is also in his 40s, is suspected of the same crimes as their daughter.

According to Anna Mårtensson has exposed the girl stated that she was 17 years old and not a Swedish citizen. She is not related to the suspects family members and should not have had any relationship with the family before the suspected crime.

detention hearings against the two men held in the afternoon.

The son remanded by the District Court

At 13:15 was the younger of the two suspicious men to justice.

Prosecutor presented evidence against the man – who deny the charges. Shortly before 14 o’clock announced Jönköping District Court of their decision – son arrested, on suspicion of assault and rape, say Jönköpings-Posten following negotiations in place. The arrest took place behind closed doors.

The Son, who is in his 20s remanded to the lower degree of suspicion, which means that the prosecutor and the police have one week in which to strengthen the evidence the degree of probable cause.

Later in the afternoon began the detention hearing against the father.

The text is updated.


Nearly 200 dead – now the accident silenced – Today’s News




Tianjin. The crater after the violent explosion in the port of Tianjin last week measured 60 meters in diameter and was seven meters deep. The information was released about a week after the catastrophe, where firefighters are 102 of the 179 dead and missing.


The Chinese authorities are now trying to silence their families.




Tianjin. The crater after the violent explosion in the port of Tianjin last week measured 60 meters in diameter and was seven meters deep. The information was released about a week after the catastrophe, where firefighters are 102 of the 179 dead and missing.


The Chinese authorities are now trying to silence their families.

It was 17-year-old Cui Fukangs and 18-year-old Tang Xianwangs first job. One of them was included in the group of four and the other in groups of five in port fire department in Tianjin. They had been contracted employees since February. The salary was not high, but it was a steady job, and they were satisfied with the job.

When the fire started on the evening of 12 August it was among the first place.



There was no reasonable chance that they could know that the water they and their colleagues are directed to the fire shortly later, according to experts, most likely it was that triggered two violent explosions when water came in contact with chemicals that react.

Eight days later, the rooms on floors three, four and five on the Xinsheng Orchid Hotel, a few kilometers from the disaster site filled with families of the firefighters. They are guarded by police and guards. Whoever sets foot outside the hotel will result in heels.

During the first week allowed the police protests by upwards of a few hundred people outside the hotel Meihua. Relatives tried to get in on a press conference to criticize the lack of information and to ask why some of the firemen, the lowest ranked of China, were not on the lists of missing.

On Thursday were all warned . The streets were free of demonstrations. Chinese authorities have, as the Sichuan earthquake in 2008, a few days after the disaster passed to censorship in an attempt to control information. Investigative reports deleted from Chinese web pages. Microblogs blocked. A television broadcast of a press conference was broken when an official from the Tianjin refused to answer questions about why the dangerous chemicals stored just 600 meters from a residential area, a clear violation of the law.

Outside the hotel in Tianjin explains Cui Fukangs mother how son went away from home in Hebei province after the Chinese New Year in winter. It was his first job.

– He just came home one time on all the time. He said they trained hard every day, but he liked it. Now he’s gone, says the mother.

So much more time she did not say before a plainclothes police officer stands between us.

– Come with me to the hotel or go away, the policeman says facing Cui Fukangs mother. Do not talk to the media.

The firemen have come into focus following the accident that claimed the highest number of fire men’s lives in modern China. Voices have been raised to professionalize the profession, performed at three different levels. The top two consist of firefighters standing directly under the central security ministry and local authorities.

They have totally different conditions from third-class firefighters as 17-year-old Cui and 18-year-old Tang. They are contract employees of large companies and ports, as beginners with no experience, with a salary of just under 4 000 per month.

Still, it is usually those who are called out only during fires because they are closest to the accident site.

Eight days after the explosions in the Tianjin Economic Development Zone is ongoing redevelopment in full swing. Burnt out cars lifted off. Employees at companies collect belongings in the apartments which are no longer habitable. Many businesses have closed and sent away staff on vacation until further notice. Taxi drivers have run free with the victims to the hospital and many have thought to leave the blood needed to injuries. Some have turned when they saw the long queues. Others do not know what to believe: it is completely safe to stay in the area? Cyanide concentrations more than 350 times the limit value has been measured in the water near the site of the explosion. The smell of the fire remains close to the accident site.

– If we cook at home, burn it and forget to throw the leftovers so it smells like it does here, describes the Sun, a woman who does not trust the task only 114 people perished.

A large part of the Chinese public has lost confidence in the information from the authorities in case of accidents and disasters. Many have also received evidence that the truth is hidden. Although censorship is booming, but with smart phones and Internet forum provides information that is contrary to what is said on the evening news on television. The problem is that although rumors and clean errors from spreading.

Each time an accident occurs now filled social media in China with lit candles. Some have ilsknat even written that everyone must open his eyes: “It is not enough lights. We need to demand answers to questions why this could happen and who is responsible. “

When the first fire broke out in the relatively deserted port area of ​​Tianjin was at just after eleven at night. But the fire attracted the many spectators. Chen, a man living on the 24th floor nearby was asleep when it slammed. He thought it was an earthquake.

Then the 18-year-old Tang Xianwang, born in Henan province, probably among the firefighters at the front. A picture of his teenage face sitting on a placard outside a school that has become a rallying after the accident. It was an ad that his parents put up. They searched in vain for her son in a few days. Then they drove to a hotel by the authorities, where they receive free food and accommodation.

When dad Tang Jiakui answer the phone, he says that the police follow him wherever he goes outside. And he can not talk more.

– They are here in the room now, he says if coverage is called one-to-one service.

Later in the day, temporarily left in peace, he speaks on the phone freely about how his son found himself working as a firefighter and six months ago went to Tianjin. He enjoyed the training and discipline. He was satisfied with his salary of 3000 yuan. On Monday, found his dead body.

The parents did not come to the hospital or the morgue. They wanted to visit the place where he died. Maybe later, authorities said.

– We have no demands. Our son is gone and we have nothing. It is irrelevant. What we want is simply a memorial erected over the firefighters as a warning of what could happen, says the father.






Teen was held locked up and raped six months – Göteborgs-Posten

A young woman must have been kept locked up and raped six months. A whole family is suspect.

The state Radio P4 Jönköping. The woman should have been locked up in both Jönköping and Göteborg.

detention hearings held in Jönköping District Court on Friday afternoon. First, 13.15, is the son faced arrest the judge. He is suspected of rape and assault.

An hour later held detention hearing against his father, under the suspicion aggravated rape.

The two men, the father in his 40s and his son in the 20- age, suspected of having carried out the assaults between November last year and March 13 of this year.

Crime Suspicions are also against the mother and daughter in the family. They are both suspected of unlawful detention but is released.

Prosecutor Anna Mårtensson states for local radio that the victim is a young woman who is probably under 18 years. Her age is not fully understood. She does not purport to be a Swedish citizen nor relatives of the suspects family.

According to local radio to the young woman have been trapped since September, and until March.

More Information will.


24-year-old detained for three attempted murders – Swedish Radio

The 24-year-old man on Monday stabbed three people in central Norrköping has now been detained by the District Court on suspicion of attempted murder in three cases.

The man, who right now are at rättspsyk in Vadstena, where he was taken after his arrest on Monday, is held under restrictions.

The district court has requested that the man should undergo a psychiatric evaluation.

– He accepts the facts but says he has not had the intent to try to kill these people, prosecutors said Anna Hjort.


Attacks against police in southern Stockholm – Aftonbladet

First came the alarm about a fire at the police office in Tumba, south of Stockholm.

Then there was an explosion during a police bus standing nearby – the police.

– It feels very, very boring, says Kia Samrell the Stockholm police.

Shortly after midnight alerted emergency services and the police about a fire in Tumba.

– It was thought at first that it was at a pizzeria, but it turned out to be police office, said Sven-Erik Olsson, spokesperson at the Stockholm police communication center.

Explosion during police van

It burned outside the police office. The fire spread never enter the premises, but caused some damage to the facade.

– It has caused smoke and heat damage to the house, says Kia Samrell, spokesperson at the Stockholm police.

An hour later another alarm from Tumba.

Then had an explosion occurred.

– It was during a police bus with staff, says Sven Erik Olsson.

The vehicle was standing near the police office, on a side street, and four policemen were in it.

What has exploded is not known, but a technical survey has been conducted on the spot and the bus who were injured, have been recovered.

No one was hurt in the attack.

– No physical injuries, but the psychosocial, we have taken care of the staff, says Kia Samrell.

Directed against the police

The police have launched investigations into two cases concerning aggravated arson and attempted murder, but no one has yet been arrested on suspicion of any of the attacks.

Did the policemen in the bus any of what happened?

– There is nothing that I know of or can go into. The investigation is ongoing, said Kia Samrell.

The police will during the day to be in place in Tumba in safety precaution and to answer any questions from residents. It would also encourage anyone who has information about the attacks in touch.

Was it directed specifically against the police?

– You could well see clearly, perhaps, says Kia Samrell.

What are you thinking about it?

– This is not funny, it feels very, very boring. On the whole, such incidents are very serious.


Attack on police in Tumba – Göteborgs-Posten

Police Station in Tumba subjected the night of Friday for an attack.

First, there was a fire outside the police station, then exploded somewhat at a police bus with policemen , reported several media.

Shortly after midnight came the alarm if a fire outside Tumbas police offices outside Stockholm.

Shortly thereafter exploded nothing outside a police van with several policemen, on a side street next.

Police bus was damaged by the blast, but no person shall have been injured in the attacks. The office was unoccupied when the fire occurred,

The events classified as aggravated arson and attempted murder.

According to the police press spokesman has not seen any concrete threat against police in Tumba .

– We have no suspects at this time and therefore will stand all day in Tumba and receive advice from the public. All observations are interesting, said police spokesman Kjell Lindgren to P4 Stockholm.


Thursday, August 20, 2015

The government defends the wolf policy for the EU – Swedish Radio

The government maintains that the Swedish licensed hunting of wolves is not a breach of EU species protection rules and that the wolf population is becoming less inbred. Last night answered the government commission’s latest criticism.

The answer to the 94 points are now the EU Commission to assess and it can be crucial to Sweden’s fare from ending up in the European Court of Justice for breach of the EU Habitats Directive.

European Commission have questioned the repeated licensed hunts of wolves in Sweden, with the reason that the hunt threatens to wolves long-term conservation in Sweden. Nor has Sweden succeeded in their plans to move immigrated wolves that can bring new genes to reduce the degree of inbreeding among the wolves, says the Commission.

The current government inherited wolf conflict with the EU by the alliance government and had now first the opportunity to explain their policy for the Commission.

Criticism of the repeated licensed hunting respond to the government that it does not move for several yachts as it has not been all year. Although a decision was licensed hunts both 2013 and 2014, but Swedish courts have stopped them.

The European Commission pointed out that the wolf prevented from multiplying in places other than in central Sweden. There is a misunderstanding, according to the government, and writes that the wolf is present in large parts of Sweden.

The Government emphasizes that the wolves are less inbred than the previous year and that plans continue to move wolves . Several analyzes of Swedish wolf is also underway and will soon be reported.

SSNC president Johanna Sandahl is critical of the response from the government.

– The government’s response to EU criticism contains nothing new that could appease Commission. It does not contain any promise that licensed hunting should be stopped, no representation that the hunt be reduced to a level that the wolf population can tolerate or similar.

– Thus, the government will not move an inch away from a collision course towards the Commission, says Johanna Sandahl.


Distinguished confectioner lit – Dagens Industri

Distinguished confectioner lit

                  2015-08-21 03:39

A powerful fire raging in the famous Elsa Anderson’s patisserie in Norberg in Västmanland. The pastry shop, which is a popular tourist destination, situated in a wooden house from the 1600s.

The house is in flames, said Ivan Aslund, duty officer at the police in Västmanland.

The building also two apartments and the residents have taken out on their own. Emergency services focused on preventing the fire from spreading to surrounding buildings.


Woman killed in drowning accident – Vasterbotten Courier

A woman in her 50s has died after a drowning accident outside Viken in Sweden. There were individuals who managed to get her out of the water at 19.30 on Thursday.

– They also began CPR, says Lennart Linderos, internal command at the Emergency Services Scania northwest.

The woman was taken to hospital but her life could not be saved. Her relatives are informed.


Girl kept hidden for two years – the mother is sentenced to psychiatric care – Helsingborgs Dagblad

The father got alone custody in May 2013 shortly thereafter disappeared mother and daughter. They have lived a wandering life for two years to the mother reported to the police in early summer.

The girl is now seven years was forced to stay indoors and was masked by a veil when she was outdoors. Today she suffers from a severe identity crisis under investigation.


Murdered woman alerted the week before – the Swedish Radio

A little over a week before she was found dead reported the 23-year-old woman in Vårgårda his ex to the police. When the hearing was to be held, it was already too late.

A notification of assault and molestation has been prepared in alingsås police on August 5. Last Thursday, found 23-year-old woman dead ex-boyfriend’s apartment in Vårgårda, and yesterday came the news that the autopsy shows that she died of excessive force.

The woman then reported the now suspect the man to the police already eight days before the murder.

– receives daily reports from women ranging from slaps to aggravated assault. We can not go out on everything, it’s the harsh reality, says prosecutor Robert Beckard leading the preliminary investigation from Borås.

– There are more than tragic, it’s really awful!

Beckard was not the case from the start, but took more than two days after the murder. But he defends his colleague.

– She’d heard the day she was found, but it takes time to schedule a hearing. And you can not know before how serious the situation is, you can not just suck in people, he said.

According to Hans-Erik Nilsson, at the County Crimea in Borås is a first notification very superficial.
It states that she told the former boyfriend must have hit her with his hand, but that she had not gone to the doctor and got the injuries documented.

However, the classification of the notification became molestation and beatings, but no interrogation was never. The woman was found dead in the man’s apartment on the day that would be presented themselves to the police.

The man is now wanted internationally and there are indications that he fled to the continent.
