Friday, February 10, 2017

Excluded sverigedemokrater forms new party – bbc Radio

the Commission is preparing right now the application

Gustav Kasselstrand and William Hahne on the way from SD meeting in the Old Town in Stockholm 2015. Photo: Anders Wiklund / TT

The excluded leaders of the sweden democrats youth league – William Hahne and Gustav Kasselstrand – has quietly formed a new party.

An application to register the chairman “Option for Sweden” has been submitted to The election authority.

Spring 2015 excluded a number of sverigedemokrater out of the party. Two of them were Gustav Kasselstrand, president of the youth league, the SDU, and William Hahne, vice president of SDU, and the chairman of The sweden democrats in Stockholm city.

They have damaged moderpartiet, said the party secretary Rickard Jomshof at a press conference.

Few months later decided the powers to exclude a further six people, all of which had links to the SDU, including Jessica Ohlson who has taken over as president of the youth league, and Adam Berg, vice chairman of the board.

Now aiming for the four to challenge his former moderparti in the upcoming elections. A couple of weeks ago, they contacted The election authority to register the new chairman “Option for Sweden”.

Registration related, according to the notification, the election to the city council in Stockholm and at a later stage the european parliament Elections and parliamentary elections”. The election authority is preparing right now the application.

Last Saturday invited Gustav Kasselstrand, William Hahne, Jessica Ohlson and Adam Berg to a mingelkväll, which, according to the invitation, “go to history”.

the Purpose – tells the guests that the Echo has talked with – was to present the new party for the invitees, who gathered in a local at Östermalm in Stockholm.

According to the task was about 80 people at the party, where The sweden democrats received criticism for being too kompromissvilliga in the migration.

What the new party should run for political affairs is reported to not be decided yet. However, the organizers shall, inter alia, to have criticized the feminist movement and highlighted by the defense.

the Echo has in vain searched the four initiators for an interview. When the Echo asks Gustav Kasselstrand if the party shall stand for election in 2018, he replies in a svårtytt text message; “I can neither confirm or deny, and even if I could confirm I would deny, so I acknowledge that I belie.”


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