Policy. the sweden democrats party leader Jimmie Åkesson invites partikollegan Kent Ekeroth to leave the parliament during the time he is accused of calling the assault, he says to Ekot on Swedish Radio.
– It is clear that the party’s reputation is damaged, ” says Åkesson.
Åkesson says to the program that Ekeroth now should not indulge in politics.
– I think that it is reasonable that during the time takes time-out from all political activities, and also leaving his place in the committee on justice, permanently, ” says Åkesson.
Echo: And also take a break from parliament?
– Yes, it is included in the concept not to indulge in politics.
– Ultimately, this is all about credibility. I believe that it is very difficult to act politically and, in particular, rättspolitiskt with credibility if you have such a thing hanging over them, ” says Åkesson.
Suspected of ill-treatment
the chief Prosecutor Lena Kastlund submitted a lawsuit to the Stockholm district court today. Ekeroth suspected minor abuse then he shall have struck a man in the face outside a nightclub near Stureplan in Stockholm, sweden, 24 november. The 35-year-old mp, who denies the crime, claiming that he acted in self-defense and made a counter notice if the ill-treatment.
– Kent Ekeroth has claimed that he acted in self-defense, and then it is I who must disprove it, and I think I can make through the information from the plaintiff and four witnesses who have seen this event, Lena says Kastlund TT
“Abuse of sex”
Kent Ekeroth argues in which someone shouted taunts against him in the queue when he was about to leave after having been denied admission. He then went towards the queue and says that they should run themselves. A person must have explicit death threat against him, and at the same time aimed a blow to Ekeroth.
None of the bodyguards has, however, confirmed that no death threats have been made against Ekeroth.
“I have been questioning with your bodyguards, but they have not said anything about that you would have had no death threats against you and they should have known about in that case”, says the interrogator according to förundersökningsprotokollet.
seeking a
TT: What are you going to insist on a punishment?
– I do not want to commit me in advance, but I can say that it is most likely, as it always tends to be in these cases, is the issue of fines, ” says Lena Kastlund.
A court may suspend a member from his riksdagsplats, but it is not the case here.
– It can’t do in this case. It must be serious cases with imprisonment for at least two years. Had it been the ill-treatment of normalgraden, the court will consider the issue, but it is not the case here, ” says Lena Kastlund.
Took time-out
Ekeroth is a controversial person who is important for the party’s advocacy, and that attracts the more hard-line core of the party. But he is at the same time, a load, and with the controversial statements he has made and the deeds he has done.
At the invitation of the party leader Jimmie Åkesson took Kent Ekeroth after the event, a so-called time-out from their mission in the committee on justice. At the weekend decided the powers to poke Ekeroth from his assignment as international secretary, which included keeping in touch with the parties and politicians in other countries. Kent Ekeroth was previously rättspolitisk spokesperson, but left the post. However, he was retained as a representative in the committee on justice and was usually the one who took the debates in legal matters.
Kent Ekeroth
Kent Ekeroth (born 11 september 1981 in Malmö, sweden, is a graduate in economics, Lund university.
Since 2010 he sits as a member of the Swedish parliament for The sweden democrats.
He has several times been criticized for controversial statements and actions. Among other things, he was one of the three leading SD politicians in the so-called järnrörsskandalen then the night out 2010 offended several people, including the comedian Soran Ismail, with racist and sexist taunts.
He is currently charged with suspected minor abuse after a krogbråk in november 2016.
Usually sits Ekeroth in the justitieutskott but just as after järnrörsskandalen he has now taken a timeout from the role. SD’s national executive has already decided to poke him from his assignment as international secretary. Now, it calls on him also to take a timeout from all the political mission and that he should leave his place in the committee on justice permanently.
Source: TT
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