Tuesday, January 31, 2017

22 500 sek per day, and the prisoner – three of the four seats empty in the … Today’s Law


Three of the four seats are empty, and the costs rise for Sweden’s three högsäkerhetsanstalter. “An economic praktfiasko” the magazine writes Fact that points to each internal in the average cost of 22 500 sek per day – compared with around 3 000 sek on a regular institution.

the Magazine in Fact has considered the situation for Kriminlavårdens three högsäkerhetsanstalter – Kumla, Hall and Saltvik. The examination reveals 55 of 72 proposed sites for the “particularly dangerous” criminals and inmates with the need for protection is empty. According to the Correctional service corresponds to the utilization not klientunderlaget.

22 500 sek per day
at the same time, the calculations indicate that each of the internal in the average cost of 22 500 sek per day on a so-called Fenixavdelning, compared with about 3 000 sek to ordinary prison or in custody.

The empty säkerhetsplatserna results in some cases in the whole of the empty departments. In order to solve the problem have begun to place the detainees there. That is to say, persons who are suspects and not convicted of crimes.

More remand than sentenced
today, it sits under the Faktums review more pre-trial detainees locked up in säkerhetsanstalterna than what it does högriskfångar or detainees with protection needs.

the parliamentary Ombudsman is now conducting a review of conditions after it was found that the detainee, in practice, is more or less completely isolated when placed on a säkerhetsanstalt. This is despite the fact that there is no formal decision on the restrictions.

Can be considered to be torture
Ingrid Helmius, a senior lecturer in law at Uppsala university, indicates that both the UN, the EU and Amnesty have criticised the treatment of detainees in Sweden.

- it Is only at least as bad for the detained in the security office as in the usual custody, it is still bad enough for it to be deemed to be torture. It is not possible to place the people, detainees, in the security office at it this way, ” says she to the Fact.


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