Thursday, March 19, 2015

Businessmen in meeting with government – Aftonbladet

Swedish companies claim that they materially affected by the diplomatic crisis with Saudi Arabia.

Business meetings postponed or canceled at short notice.

– It is an unusually rapid and strong response, says Carola Lemne, CEO of Swedish Enterprise.

On Thursday expressed the industry tops its concerns in a meeting with the government.

Swedish businessmen warned that denounce the military agreement with Saudi Arabia.

After it became clear that Sweden still cancel cooperation, the government called with two days notice 40 directors to meeting on the Swedish export business. Just after 18 on Thursday evening they began to arrive at the Industry Ministry, where Enterprise and Mikael Damberg and Foreign Wallström received them.

‘appointments set “

A dozen of those invited attended, among them Carola Lemne, CEO of Swedish Enterprise.

After the meeting she told me that many Swedish companies that have business relations with Saudi Arabia affected by the diplomatic crisis.

How is the Swedish company right now in Saudi Arabia?

– The reports we receive now is that there is an unusually rapid and strong reaction. Appointments are set, the date is postponed. Not getting business visas makes it obviously difficult to get into. People who work with Swedish companies feel attacked. They think it’s great that another owner, with another nationality can take contact, says Lemne.

“Seriousness in the room”

Mikael Damberg describes the meeting as “good and constructive”.

– There was a seriousness in the room. Several companies have stated that they are concerned, they were careful to say that it is important for Sweden to maintain contacts and trade, he says to SVT News.

The focus is now, according to Damberg quickly improve relations with Saudi Arabia.

– We talked and listened to the business community about how they looked at the situation and what is most important now, getting back to normal diplomatic relations, he said.

“The government has listened”

At the meeting expressed, according industrialist Carl Bennet, representatives of the business community concern that the situation could spread to other countries.

– We have had talks with the government where we explained how we see the situation. The government has listened and made clear that it is interested in normalizing relations and to take a lot of activities to achieve it, he said.

Should Wallström apologize?

– You can express themselves in a way that the words were misinterpreted and that it was not supposed to land as it’s done, I think this would be beneficial. The Germans use a different way to talk with Saudi Arabia, it had a good ending, says Bennett.

Wallström: Unhappy

Ms Wallström see no reason to correct his statements, according to news agency TT.

– We know we have good support both of the political parties in Sweden and, I would argue, Swedes in general, when we uttered us about democracy and human rights, she said to the news agency.

Wallstrom argue that the statements “paired with Islam.”

– Or it has been suggested that it would be statements against Islam. But it is wrong and very unfortunate. It is important to mention that this is not some statements made against a religion, says Margot Wallstrom said.

“Important to discussion”

On Thursday it became known that Saudi Arabia stops the Swedish businessmen to travel to the country. They will not grant a new business visa for Swedish travelers.

– It is clear that this can cause problems for Swedish companies, said Industry Minister Mikael Damberg (S) earlier on Thursday.

The meeting was also attended among others Lundstedt, CEO of Scania, and Carl-Henrik Sundström, CEO of forest products group Stora Enso

– I think it is important that we have a discussion about how we can take the next step forward, said Sundstrom on his way into the meeting.

Margot Wallström, or Mikael Damberg, who both attended the meeting, wished afterwards did not leave any comment.


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