Saturday, January 24, 2015

36-year-old principal in doping tangle – Smålandsposten

36-year-old principal in doping tangle – Smålandsposten

Today 05:30 | Last updated yesterday 22:37

A 36-year-old man, living in Vaxjo, suspected to online buying and selling on about 800 000 units dopants.
The man also operates businesses in Växjö in a completely different industry and the premises were found illegal substances.

The police seizures are a variety of dopants.

The 36-year-old indicted for aggravated trafficking of 800,000 units and serious doping offense during the period July to October of last year. The man was arrested in late October and is since then detained.
Doping Hank as the Kronoberg Police investigated is the largest ever uncovered in the county and one of the most extensive in the country. According to police estimates, the man has earned around 1.3 million on their illegal activities.
The trial at Växjö District Court begin on Thursday and is expected to last for six days. The prosecutor has requested the hearing of witnesses with a professor in Biological Research on Drug Dependence.
– The interview comes to how dangerous these preparations is because it is important for the penalty value of the crime, prosecutors said Marcus Lakeshore.
Several of those involved in the skein is bodybuilders and has participated in major competitions.
– In the next week I will prosec ute six buyers. There are even more identified buyers but many of them we have not managed to get hold of yet, says Marcus Lakeshore.
Växjöbons suspected contraband and handling of 800,000 units is well above the limit for serious doping offenses. According to practice, the limit is 50,000 units of active substance, but the Court of Appeals for Norrland considered in an acclaimed judgment after Operation Liquid that the limit should instead go at 100 000 units.


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