Wednesday, June 29, 2016

“Dangerous” patch revoked – Aftonbladet

Medications. Medicines Agency warns that a fentanyl patch twice as powerful force as it says on the package can be delivered to the country’s pharmacies. Feldoseringen can be fatal.

The manufacturer recalls a batch of patch Fentanyl Orion, which is printed on prescription to people suffering from severe and chronic pain, such as cancer patients. There is then a patch of high strength found in a package.

Patients using the patches habituated in gradually, and a sharp elevation dose can be fatal, writes the MPA on his site .

– is it this kind of confusion where double strength lies in the packaging so it can of course give serious incidents, says Katarina Andersson, Head of Inspection of industry and health care at the MPA.

– I know that it has distributed more than 1000 packs to pharmacies, but how many people have reached out to the customer, we can in the current situation is not to say, she continues.

in the warning to the public is invited those packages from the current statement to submit them to the nearest pharmacy for replacement. Pharmacies have been ordered to remove them from the shelves.

The recall concerns batches of Fentanyl Orion and the dose of 12 microgram / hour with batch number P0059AB0AA.


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