Friday, April 29, 2016

Criticism of the new rules for the hunting of seals – Sveriges Radio

The Environmental Protection Agency’s new rules for the culling of seals, making it almost impossible for seal hunters to shoot seals. The mean hunters association in Västerbotten that are critical of the amendment.

With the rule change is limited: protecting the hunt for an area of ​​up to two hundred meters from the fishing gear.

His Geibrink is jaktvårdskonsulent at Hunters Association:

– We will have significantly fewer seals felled. The ambition we had to with the help of hunting might create a more timid behavior of the seals so that it stays a little further out from the fishing grounds that chance decreases with.

the Environmental protection Agency that determines which rules should apply to protect the hunting of seals, the year’s rule change was introduced to ensure the protection hunt should just be just a protection for example fishing gear.

When the area of ​​the hunt is restricted to a maximum of 200 meters from the fishing gear it may be, it is also very difficult for the hunters. It also keeps the Environmental Protection Agency with.

– I understand that they think it makes it harder to hunt for seals. It is from the outset a difficult game because the seal is there on the water and that the time that you have to shoot at it when it rears his head, says Emil Ekström at the Environmental Protection Agency, and continues:

– the idea behind our decision is that it will be just to pacify gear and then we believe that you get the best effect of directing the hunt against sites where fishing is.


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