Wednesday, May 25, 2016

The Alliance’s time is over – S and M should reign – Aftonbladet

Hans Bergström: It’s about to get Sweden to work – ideologies have to wait

Prime Minister Stefan Löfven will very soon present a new government. But the question persists: How will Sweden be ruled coming years. It is time to bury the ideologies, says Hans Bergström, Associate Professor of Political Science and former DN-chief.

DEBATE. The media waiting Löfvens government reshuffle, but on the answer to a larger question seems we wait in vain: How will Sweden be ruled coming years?

Reality provides two essential preconditions. One is that the task is very large, because the core of the nation of Sweden is under pressure – border, defense, police capacity, the ongoing liquidation of almost half of the electricity supply, work and education for hundreds of thousands of new arrivals. The second is that a parliament with eight parties makes it extraordinarily difficult to form a government with the power to focus on the main task. The trust of the Swedish people is low and falling for the incumbent government, but also for the current opposition. People see that the two are too weak for the task.

State justifies a mature and honest conversation about how Sweden should be governed so that State’s core functions explained. But there is no will to bring the conversation with the citizens. Anna Kinberg Batra rehearse rehearsed stencils: reject any cooperation with SD, but also no to cooperation with S.

the way forward is that the Alliance will win the election in 2018 and then reign. Everyone can see that this is an illusion.

During each government’s worst timing phase – in the middle of the mandate period – the four parties of the Alliance together about 41 percent. They will not get a majority after the elections in 2018. SD remains tip the scales. We saw the paralysis that characterized the Alliance government during its second term because of the fear to get a majority against them.

Kinberg Batra has himself declared dead December agreement, which was for the largest minority blocks could reign. In Malmö this weekend, she claimed that the SD of important issues, tax and benefits policies, is most to the left. How do she then clear that as prime minister of an alliance of minority enforce a powerful government policy?

In addition, the Alliance holds the same division as the current government on key issues: immigration policy and nuclear power. C paralyzes a bourgeois minority coalition in the same way as the MP represents a difficulty for Löfven.

An alliance government in minority after the elections in 2018 would soon enough see a case in opinion and authority – and the only non-socialist party to take care of discontent would be SD.

Tomas Eneroth, S group leader, is right when he AB Debate (20/5) writes: Sweden does not need more of blocks policy, but less. The blocks harmful policies need to be broken, claim Eneroth. The same line has been driven by Stefan Löfven, as well as the LO’s politically experienced chairman.

But it has been mute on the other side block boundary, clear of party selfish reasons. When the possibility of re-examination of government the issue was given in December 2014 by the table had knocked the budget vote, the Alliance used the talks to push forward a contract for continued policy blocks by 2022 instead of the openings Sweden needed. M leadership has even gone in to strengthen the Left Party blackmail power against Stefan Löfven, by claiming that he could Sjöstedt on the budget.

What is now needed is a coalition government with the S and M or Moderates unleashing a single S-government to promise, with Thomas Eneroths formulation, long-term and durable agreements on important issues for the future. And it should be done now, with or without new elections. It is not feasible to wait for another two and a half years, with the illusion that it then will arise conditions for a powerful block government.

As Leif GW Persson express when he Bombmakaren and his woman sounds form a major crisis coalition S / M: “Whatever it was about was to make sure to get Sweden to work in the easiest practical sense. Only when it was finished it was time to return to ideology. “

Hans Bergström

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Hans Bergström

Associate Professor of Political Science, former Chief Editor DN


Prime Minister Stefan Löfven will very soon present a new government. But the question persists: How will Sweden be ruled coming years. It is time to bury the ideology and bloc politics – and to ensure that Sweden starts functioning, writes commentator.


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