Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Protests broke kolgruvedebatt – Vestmanlands County Newspaper

Even before the debate had a hundred protesters gathered outside parliament to demand that Vattenfall plans to sell its German lignite mines stopped. Many of them then followed the debate from the public gallery inside Parliament.

At the end stood a few up and showed a protest text by dragging up the shirts and naked backs. Soon after they began and many more of the audience to shout “Let the coal lie,” and marched out slowly when the President once again made it clear that the message from the stands is not allowed.

But it all ended with a you sprayed a reddish liquid down to the MPs in the Chamber. The man shouted that politicians have blood on their hands, the children in Africa are starving, referring probably to climate change.

The President cut off the debate briefly while the gallery was cleared.

Later in the day the man went , a former spokesperson for the organization Climate Action, on their Facebook page and defended the attack.

“the action today with the” blood “in the parliament was entirely my own initiative,” he writes, and continues:

“the whole purpose was to create visual attention around Sweden’s most significant climate decision.”

“Empty words”

Enterprise and Mikael Damberg ( S) is not particularly surprised by what happened.

There are many who are involved, says Minister Mikael Damberg (S) .

the civil engineer Karl Andreasson, who was one of those who had to leave the chamber, told the Daily News that he was extremely disappointed in the debate.

it is just empty words.

the government will soon decide whether Vattenfall to sell their coal mines in Germany to the Czech company EPH. The protesters want the deal stopped and that kolgruveverksamheten are dropped for the climate’s sake.

Green Party Lise Nordin urged indeed to let the coal stay in the ground. But she said while the government parties, S and MP, agreed that the government must follow the owner’s directives available for Waterfalls.

we will stand behind the decision of the government lands in, says Nordin.


the directives means, according to Industry Minister Mikael Damberg (S), Vattenfall actions should always be businesslike, even if the energy company’s mission also means that you will be a leader in the development towards sustainability.

Damberg refers to a bill from the previous government as parliament endorsed in 2010. it says that a market returns must be the starting point for all activities in Vattenfall. The deal means admittedly a multi-billion loss for the company, but the loss is expected to be even greater if the sale does not happen.

In the debate it was only the Left who demanded a halt to the deal. C and KD want the sale is concluded. L and M is awaiting the Government’s assessment.

From the bourgeois side accused the MP of hypocrisy.

If the carbon is as important as it is said, so it’s ultimately about to leave the government, or stand up for the agreement to dispose of the S and stop the buck to the other parties, says Lars Hjälmered (M).


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