the measurement from Statistics Sweden, SCB, carried out on behalf of Parliament and performed in May and November each year since 1972.
MP: Expected journal
today is directed much focus on government parties and how they have fared after the turmoil surrounding the Green Party, which spokesperson Åsa Romson and housing Minister Mehmet Kaplan left their posts.
2014 election had the support of MP 6.9 percent but in the polls recently, has the green fluctuated around four percent threshold. In recent SCB party got 5.9 percent.
Now the party is noted for a peg of 1.2 to 4.7 percent, which is the worst figure in a decade. But maintains itself above the latch to Parliament.
– It is quite expected figures in terms of the recent events. It is positive that the Government of the substrate S and MP together with V moved on since November and we are bigger than the Alliance, said party secretary Amanda Lind (MP).
She says the party must now focus on their own policies.
– It’s never fun when you do not get the numbers that you would like to have. But there is a strong belief in the future of our party after the recent events. We have a new spokesperson savings and we have two new green ministers. It empowers us to work on.
It is primarily for their cooperation parties V and S as the green drops.
“Strong figures for Löfven”
Prime Minister Stephen Löfvens party Social Democrats received 27.6 percent of the SCB in November, which was slightly above the other measurements the same time. The party now listed for a sharp increase from 1.9 to 29.5 percent.
The Party Secretary Jämtin says that the measurement “is a sign of strength for Stefan Löfven.”
– He has consistently taken the battle to the Swedish model, for more jobs and made the necessary decisions to deal with the refugee crisis. It is right for Sweden and has increased its support for our party. We have big challenges ahead of us. But do we have the right priorities in the coming years, we can create the future and a safer and better country to live in, she says. SEE ALSO TV “I see it as a sign of strength for Löfven”
While V goes up
the government’s partner on the budget, the Left, is progressing significantly (+1.3) and get 6.8 percent and is thus of its election results from 2014.
– We are increasing in all investigations right now. We are experiencing stronger support for the Left in general and Jonas Sjöstedt, is very popular. It is particularly gratifying to see that we can increase while the Social Democrats do it. It is a kind of shift to the left. There are many who got the idea that it will go well for us so it must go badly for S and so is not. Rather, they can take votes from the bourgeoisie and then some from S to us.
– If you look at this spring, it has become more of equity issues in the debate. Should we have reduced wages or everyone will have a fair wage? Should we have gains in welfare? It’s the most important issues so I think there is an explanation, said Aaron Etzler, party secretary (V).
SD stands for the biggest drop in
Jimmie Akesson’s party Sweden Democrats supported by 17 , 3 percent in the measurement and thus account for the biggest drop in by all parties, minus 2.6 since the last survey in November 2015.
the Party Secretary Richard Jomshof (SD):
– I think it reflects public opinion situation pretty well. It is still the case that this is the second highest result ever for the Sweden Democrats in a SCB measurement. It’s a good result and I’m very happy with it. It was expected that we would back slightly, he said.
SCB’s survey shows that it is primarily the M SD loses.
The Moderates represent the only rise in Alliance . Anna Kinberg Batra party gets 24.7 percent and is thus up by 1.2 percentage points since November.
The Party Secretary Tomas Tobé says this:
– It is positive that the Conservatives increases and I think that is all that we have presented a plan for a stronger Sweden with more menial jobs, more police, more teaching hours but also reduced costs for grants and migration.
Tobé am pleased that voters now flows back to M SD:
– Many people see that we have taken hold of the immigration issue. But I also believe that more can see that we need to take hold of integration. Where we believe the Conservatives that they should learn Swedish and get into the job while the SD says that we should not have any integration policy. I do not think voter estimates.
KD would go out
The Christian Democrats would go out of parliament if the election were today. The party noted for 3.1 which is the lowest figure ever. In the 2014 election the party got 4.6 percent.
The Party Secretary Acko Ankarberg Johansson (KD) is concerned about the party’s low numbers.
– We take this very seriously, she says.
KD drop mainly to SD, M and L, demonstrates SCB’s survey. SEE ALSO TV “Will a fragile government next election”
The Centre Party gets 6.1 percent and is thus still in opinion. Michael Arthursson, party secretary:
– We have been at or over the election results since the 2014 election and we have to work on that basis. We had very kämpigare during the previous term of office. It feels stable for us.
Liberals Party Secretary Maria Arnholm comments measurement like this:
– We, the Liberals are working on developing new policies aimed at
increased support in the next election. My belief is that societal challenges
as jobs, integration or housing best met with liberal
solutions where the individual’s freedom of choice and self-determination must be
In the position of the political blocks, it is advantageous for the red-green parties: S, V and MP get together 41.0 percent, while the Alliance gets 39.3.