Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Get contribution cheaters punished – Västerbotten Courier

There are few people suspected of benefit fraud to be punished, according to Dagens Nyheter. Of the 613 police reports that the Social Insurance Agency was again reported by police last year was 70 percent down.

The reason so many notifications laid down is often the person has moved abroad, the preliminary investigation restriction applies, which means that the person is already being investigated for felonies, or that the case is time-barred.

Both the Social Insurance Agency and the police are guilty of some crime time-barred. It may have been a long time between the grant of the offense and that the insurance agency reports. The police have many other issues higher priority.

– We are following many complaints. We can not keep up as much as we want and can not strike at all. It will take time before we can look at some contributions crime increases the risk of it going so long that the offense is time-barred, says Jan Granqvist, group manager for Stockholm Police’s Fraud Section.


Control of support to civil society – Västerbotten Courier

The government faced tougher checks on organizations’ basic values ​​before tax money paid, writes Culture and Democracy Minister Alice Bah Kuhnke (MP) in Dagens Nyheter.

“Support to civil society and religious groups to deepen democracy, not undermine it,” she writes.

the government will take a series of measures. Among other things, support only paid to ethnic organizations in their activities to respect the ideas of democracy, such as equality and non-discrimination. Although demands for democratic values ​​must be tightened for religious communities.

“We can never accept that taxpayers’ money is used to organize hatretorik and increased polarization” writes Bah Kuhnke.

These measures should clarify that “those who are taking part of community support also to live up to the trust and the democratic values ​​that are the basis for the joint societies”.


Eventually gave Löfvens work results – Västerbotten Folkblad

The Social Democrats increased the most and the Sweden Democrats lose the most. S, V and MP is greater than the Alliance and KD go out of parliament. It had been the result if the election were today, this according to SCB’s party preference, which was presented on Tuesday.

New polls presented all the time. Often blown even small changes up big, even though the changes are not statistically significant. But SCB’s party preference stand out. The substrate is ten times greater than in other studies, and it is presented twice a year. Therefore, this is an investigation to take seriously.

S increases 2 percentage compared with November. Green Party loses 1.2 percentage points, but lose most of S. Left increasing 1.3 percentage points and taking voters from MP but no S.

S increases so much in opinion while the coalition parties MP breaks down, it is a sign of strength for Stefan Löfven.

In the bourgeois bloc slopes KD 3.1 percent. The lift that KD would get the new party leader and scrap of December agreement failed to materialize fully. KD is sinking further during the parliamentary latch.

The C and L lie still and M increased by 1.2 percentage points. The Sweden Democrats are reduced the most by 2.6 percentage points. And they lose the most to the Conservatives.

What is it that happened since the survey in November? When dominated migration issues completely. But by the government put on its migration policy were killed on the issue politically.

In the wake of many asylum seekers flocked country saw the Swedish business community and right their chance to demand lower wages “for integration’s sake.” But the labor movement put your foot down, no one should pay more because of their skin color

Prime Minister Löfven urged to battle for the Swedish model and in wage negotiations turned the trade unions is not an inch. It did not lower starting salaries. On the contrary, those who earn at least got the biggest wage increases. And the greatest increase were nurses.

Alongside the political game, the economy has really taken off. The employment rate is now better than it ever was under Reinfeldt. And yes, actually better than it ever was under Göran Persson’s government. More and more people know someone who got a job for the first time in a long time.

Wage negotiations resulted in higher wages, government policy has provided for higher unemployment benefits, all parents now receive free medicines to their children and the welfare of billions beginning to be felt in the municipalities .

Many have simply got better. Then fit the Alliance of rhetoric and that everything goes wrong and that the government would “threaten jobs” right bad.

It also has happened since November is the scandals surrounding Municipal and MP. The S increases so much in public opinion while coalition party MP breaks down, it is a sign of strength for Stefan Löfven.

While it is important to remember that 29.5 is still a low figure of S. It is election results in 2014 and far below what is required to achieve a progressive majority in parliament. There is a risk remains that M and SD merge to form a blåbrun alliance in the parliament, in the same way as they have done in Gävle.

The Alliance’s current strategy is to add his rhetoric closely SD Nations and bring a cultural war through the gambit of “Swedish standards”, water cannons and rubber bullets. Unemployment may not be fought either with air or rubber and that similar problems of unemployment, poverty and hopelessness are in mining villages, they have completely forgotten.

The government should stay out of this culture of war and the continued focus on what creates change in people’s everyday lives. It is precisely this work that is now yielding results in the opinion. If the government is in this and find a story that binds it all together, well then it will be really tough for the Conservatives to come.


Police officers who commit crimes are not kicked – Aftonbladet

crime. most police employees who commit crimes must keep the job. Last year was fired only two policemen and two civilian employees since they violated the law.

A police fired unjustifiably his service weapon against a car. Another left one person outdoors without checking his state of health, which led to the person died. In a third case threatened a police officer to run over a man.

In all cases assessed police staff disciplinary, PAN, that despite the conviction is not sufficient reason to dismiss them.

– It takes quite a lot to lay off anyone. The most common crime that police officers convicted of the different types of duty. And an occasional misconduct is not enough for a farewell, says Lotta Gustavsson, vice president of the PAN.

Grep woman full

There are several other examples where police employees have been allowed to retain their services despite conviction: a police officer was guilty of aggravated drunken driving, another grabbed a woman in her spare time – but in a drunken state.

the last six years have been between one and eight police officers annually sacked after they committed crimes or misconduct. Last year, the PAN handled 92 cases. Many cases were closed, but around one third led to disciplinary sanctions – these were several also a warning and loss of wages.

– The number of cases received by the Board is slightly less compared to the previous year. Last year there were a total of 115, says Lotta Gustavson.

Four kicked

Total sacked two police officers and two civilian employees last year. In one case, kicked a police officer after being convicted of assault and molestation. In another case was dismissed a police officer after being convicted of theft, petty theft and hacking.

The two civilian staff had to leave the job after being convicted of assault and gross violation of integrity and call abuse .


About a hundred cases

Total received 92 cases in 2015 to police staff disciplinary, PAN.

2014 handled the PAN 115, and four police employees were dismissed.

Last year was dismissed two police officers and two civilian employees after having been convicted of crimes.

Source: The police.


Several apartments burns on Hisingen – Västerbotten Courier

Several apartments in an apartment block on Hisingen in Gothenburg is on fire, and the house is being evacuated.

– I had to go in from the balcony after a call from the emergency services. Right now, they break up the roof of one of the apartments to air out the smoke, says a local resident to Göteborgs-Posten.

Seven fire engines are on site, and fire fighters have gone into the house. As far as is known, no one injured in the fire, but emergency services feared that it can spread.

– We have blocked traffic around the house, it has begun to fall roof tiles, said Peter Adlersson spokesperson the police’s Western region, said.

the cause of the fire is still unknown, but police have launched an investigation into arson.


The Green Party is raging in the new survey – The Social biggest – Nyheter24

Today presents SCB’s large political party preference. And it’s really sad reading for the Green Party.

The party ends just above the parliament latch, at 4.7 percent. At the same time the Social Democrats by more than two percentage points compared with the previous survey, and goes up to 29.5 per cent.

– In recent events, we are well over the parliamentary latch. The most important thing for us now is to focus on a green society building and to highlight the work being done in government, local governments, says the MP’s party secretary Amanda Lind Nyheter24 .

From the Social Democrats are happier tones.

– I see it as a sign of strength for Stefan Löfven. One hundred thousand more go to work today then when he became prime minister, says the Social Democrats’ party secretary Jämtin to Nyheter24.

Även for the Sweden Democrats means the survey a cold shower. The party goes down by a full 2.6 percentage points compared to the survey conducted in November 2015. The party gets 17.3 percent in the survey. Christian Democrats are under the latch parliament, at 3.1 percent.

the Moderates, who had great success in measurements recent times, also rose. 24.7%. But ports still well behind the Social Democrats.

– It’s a long way to the next election and it will go up and down. SCB is different from the other polls, and it shows how open it is in Swedish politics, says M’s party secretary Tomas Tobé to Nyheter24.

Here’s the full survey from Statistics Sweden. The numbers in parentheses are the difference of November 2015

The Social Democrats: 29.5% (+1.9)
Green Party: 4.7% (-1.2)
Left: 6.8% (+1.3)
Moderates: 24.7 (+1.2)
Centre Party: 6.1% (+ 0.4)
Liberals : 5.4% (-0.1)
Christian Democrats: 3.1% (-0.4)
Sweden Democrats: 17.3% (-2.6)
Others: 2 , 4% (+0.3)


Nätjättar will combat incitement and hatred – within 24 hours – Swedish Dagbladet

SD slopes most of the new large measurement – Aftonbladet

The Social Democrats increased the most in today’s survey from Statistics Sweden, to 29.5 percent.

– A show of strength for Stefan Löfven says party secretary Carin Jämtin.

Government partner the Green party backs after the turmoil, but keeps continuing the latch to Parliament.

the Sweden Democrats stand for measurement largest bottler.

– I think it reflects public opinion situation pretty well, says party secretary Richard Jomshof.

the measurement from Statistics Sweden, SCB, carried out on behalf of Parliament and performed in May and November each year since 1972.

MP: Expected journal

today is directed much focus on government parties and how they have fared after the turmoil surrounding the Green Party, which spokesperson Åsa Romson and housing Minister Mehmet Kaplan left their posts.

2014 election had the support of MP 6.9 percent but in the polls recently, has the green fluctuated around four percent threshold. In recent SCB party got 5.9 percent.

Now the party is noted for a peg of 1.2 to 4.7 percent, which is the worst figure in a decade. But maintains itself above the latch to Parliament.

– It is quite expected figures in terms of the recent events. It is positive that the Government of the substrate S and MP together with V moved on since November and we are bigger than the Alliance, said party secretary Amanda Lind (MP).

She says the party must now focus on their own policies.

– It’s never fun when you do not get the numbers that you would like to have. But there is a strong belief in the future of our party after the recent events. We have a new spokesperson savings and we have two new green ministers. It empowers us to work on.

It is primarily for their cooperation parties V and S as the green drops.

“Strong figures for Löfven”

Prime Minister Stephen Löfvens party Social Democrats received 27.6 percent of the SCB in November, which was slightly above the other measurements the same time. The party now listed for a sharp increase from 1.9 to 29.5 percent.

The Party Secretary Jämtin says that the measurement “is a sign of strength for Stefan Löfven.”

– He has consistently taken the battle to the Swedish model, for more jobs and made the necessary decisions to deal with the refugee crisis. It is right for Sweden and has increased its support for our party. We have big challenges ahead of us. But do we have the right priorities in the coming years, we can create the future and a safer and better country to live in, she says. SEE ALSO TV “I see it as a sign of strength for Löfven”

While V goes up

the government’s partner on the budget, the Left, is progressing significantly (+1.3) and get 6.8 percent and is thus of its election results from 2014.

– We are increasing in all investigations right now. We are experiencing stronger support for the Left in general and Jonas Sjöstedt, is very popular. It is particularly gratifying to see that we can increase while the Social Democrats do it. It is a kind of shift to the left. There are many who got the idea that it will go well for us so it must go badly for S and so is not. Rather, they can take votes from the bourgeoisie and then some from S to us.

– If you look at this spring, it has become more of equity issues in the debate. Should we have reduced wages or everyone will have a fair wage? Should we have gains in welfare? It’s the most important issues so I think there is an explanation, said Aaron Etzler, party secretary (V).

SD stands for the biggest drop in

Jimmie Akesson’s party Sweden Democrats supported by 17 , 3 percent in the measurement and thus account for the biggest drop in by all parties, minus 2.6 since the last survey in November 2015.

the Party Secretary Richard Jomshof (SD):

– I think it reflects public opinion situation pretty well. It is still the case that this is the second highest result ever for the Sweden Democrats in a SCB measurement. It’s a good result and I’m very happy with it. It was expected that we would back slightly, he said.

SCB’s survey shows that it is primarily the M SD loses.

The Moderates represent the only rise in Alliance . Anna Kinberg Batra party gets 24.7 percent and is thus up by 1.2 percentage points since November.

The Party Secretary Tomas Tobé says this:

– It is positive that the Conservatives increases and I think that is all that we have presented a plan for a stronger Sweden with more menial jobs, more police, more teaching hours but also reduced costs for grants and migration.

Tobé am pleased that voters now flows back to M SD:

– Many people see that we have taken hold of the immigration issue. But I also believe that more can see that we need to take hold of integration. Where we believe the Conservatives that they should learn Swedish and get into the job while the SD says that we should not have any integration policy. I do not think voter estimates.

KD would go out

The Christian Democrats would go out of parliament if the election were today. The party noted for 3.1 which is the lowest figure ever. In the 2014 election the party got 4.6 percent.

The Party Secretary Acko Ankarberg Johansson (KD) is concerned about the party’s low numbers.

– We take this very seriously, she says.

KD drop mainly to SD, M and L, demonstrates SCB’s survey. SEE ALSO TV “Will a fragile government next election”

The Centre Party gets 6.1 percent and is thus still in opinion. Michael Arthursson, party secretary:

– We have been at or over the election results since the 2014 election and we have to work on that basis. We had very kämpigare during the previous term of office. It feels stable for us.

Liberals Party Secretary Maria Arnholm comments measurement like this:

– We, the Liberals are working on developing new policies aimed at
increased support in the next election. My belief is that societal challenges
as jobs, integration or housing best met with liberal
solutions where the individual’s freedom of choice and self-determination must be

In the position of the political blocks, it is advantageous for the red-green parties: S, V and MP get together 41.0 percent, while the Alliance gets 39.3.


Swedish church million trips for your money – Aftonbladet

Trips for millions.

The dinners, wine shows and football matches.

The Swedish Church has pin-lived in your church tax, shows a review that echo done.

6.2 million Swedes are members of the Swedish church and pay church fee is 1.01 percent of income.

on his website, writes the Swedish church that fee goes to the open nursery school, community meetings for older people, work for people in vulnerable situations, a rich music scene and maintenance of church buildings.

What the church forgets to write is that the membership fee also goes to the sometimes extravagant trips with entertainment, dining and alcohol for both lunch and dinner.

Football Tickets

There is a Swedish radio news that reviewed parishes trips are called “field trips” “conference travel,” educational trips “or” personal travel “.

In many cases, this involves travel for millions.

a church has paid more than 1 000 apiece for tickets to a Premier League -match to study the similarity between a church and the football game.

in his report says Alexander Gagliano and Bo-Göran Bodin, one of the poorest parishes in Sweden, Botkyrka.

the members are gain and other parts of the country must contribute funds. It has not stopped Botkyrka congregation to erect close to 3 million since in 2010.


Besides the main trips that both the governing politicians and employees participated in have invested tens of thousands of crowns on two “reconnaissance flights” for each destination.

According to the church Council President Anna-Marie Carlsson trips to Israel and Sarajevo were important:

– You get the more understanding of those who come from these environments.

the theme of the trip was to “preserve the wholeness and community in our church in times of cutbacks.”

Reporter broadcast in P1 Tuesday, May 31 at 16.00.


Swedish church traveling abroad for millions – Swedish Dagbladet

photo: Christine Olsson / TT

for instance, traveled ten politicians and eighty officials from Botkyrka Assembly to Istanbul at the conference trip in 2010. Total cost: 997 000 crowns. The aim was to “increase understanding of the society in Botkyrka” and “write Assembly instructions”, reports the Echo on Swedish Radio.

2012 traveled the same ward, 70 people in total, to Sarajevo. Now stayed expense 772 000. The journey was motivated by that one would “preserve the whole community and in our church who are in times of cutbacks.” Must it happen abroad? wonder of echoes reporter.

– We thought that the church council. There we were in agreement, says Anna-Maria Carlsson, the Council’s moderate president.

When 99 people from Huddinge parish in 2014 went on a five-day conference trip to Malta landed bill 796 000 – twice as much as the same assembly received via the collection plate during the year. Purpose of trip was to politicians and employees would have the opportunity to meet with the ward when the newly appointed vicar.

More than six million Swedes pay through their taxes for its membership in the Swedish Church. That some churches are traveling and Drinking church money is “pure rip-off phase are” according to Chris Siwertsson, moderate church politicians in Östersund.

– They do violence to the Christian message and the Church.

Even Aftonbladet has set Swedish church under the microscope and examined the activities of the Swedish Church abroad. The audit shows that high spiritual leaders of the Swedish Church Abroad has made private trips abroad and lived in luxury for the church’s money.

Supreme Head of operations, Anders Bergkvist, let the church pay for a private vacation to San Francisco. And Bishop Sven-Bernhard Fast received money from the church to pay for a stay at the four-star hotels in Australia.

Swedish Church Abroad, contributions of close to 193 million per year from the collections, donations and membership fees, writes Aftonbladet .


The police must enforce evictions – Västerbotten Courier

The police will have the mission to evict asylum seekers from June 1, does not have the right to remain on the Migration Board’s accommodations, reports TV4 News.

on Wednesday amended the law on the reception of asylum seekers. Among other asylum seekers over 18 who received expulsion or deportation order can no longer be entitled to compensation and housing.

The police are also on alert for possible disturbances that may arise related to evictions.


Monday, May 30, 2016

Man seriously injured in the shootings – Göteborgs-Posten

Photo: Johan Nilsson

The police were alerted during evening about a shooting in Malmö, where a man must have been injured in connection with the shooting.
 - When we arrived at the scene, the man was already in the hospital and we have found out that he is seriously injured, said spokesman Kim Hild on police in the south region.

It was around eight o’clock that more people should have alerted the police in Malmö, where a shooting has taken place. A man should be according to the police have been injured, but was already in the hospital when the police arrived.
– He did not go with the ambulance, but we know nothing about how he has taken there. He cared for right now and we have not been able to question him, says Kim Hild.

Right now there are no suspected perpetrator.
– We will hear witnesses now and find out more details. We have patrols both in the hospital and at the site where the shooting took place, says Kim Hild.

The place has been cordoned off and technicians, according to the police on the way there for examination.

The event is classified at present as aggravated assault, alternatively attempted murder.


Swedish church travel for millions – Västerbotten Courier

Some church politicians and employees of the Swedish church go on expensive trips abroad, it shows a review that Swedish radio news has done. The trips often go to well-known tourist resorts and cities.

The audit shows that, among other things, that the Assembly Botkyrka has made trips for SEK 2.8 million since 2010.

It is the church fee, paid by Swedish Church’s 6.2 million members, which for the most part finance the activities of the Church.


Man with knife attacked the police – who opened fire – Göteborgs-Posten

Photo: Anna-Karin Nils Gustafsson

Two policemen have been exposed to a suspected attempted murder in connection with a contribution in Vanersborg. When the police were about to arrest a man threatened or he attacked them with a knife and then police shot the man.

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the police have opened fire on a suspect in an apartment building in Vanersborg.

The drama began when police at 18:40 pm received the alarm about a man trying to break into an apartment in Vanersborg. When police arrived on the scene, they encountered a man armed with a knife in the stairwell of the apartment building.

– The task was that the man was trying to break her into an apartment. When the first patrol arrive at the place they are met by a man with a knife and a policeman shooting then for effect against him. The man was not hit, and the police would pull back to arrest the man safely, said police spokesman Tommy Nyman.

The patrol guarded by the confrontation stairwell and at 20 o’clock they had the backing of the police SWAT team arrived on the scene along with a negotiator.

– We 20:44 we were able to arrest the man who is now suspected of attempted murder.

He then attacked the police?

– So you can express it, told Tommy Nyman at 21:20 on Monday.

20 minutes later Tommy Nyman says that it is unclear if the man has threatened or attacked policemen.

– Exactly how it happened I do not know right now. The border between to threaten or attack can be subtle, but it is an investigator who has decided that it should be classified as murder, alternatively attempted manslaughter, and that person is more familiar with the facts at the site than I am, says Tommy Nyman.

The arrested man is under police in their 50s and now the first ambulance to the hospital.

– He has another injury that was not caused by the police. I have no information on his skadläge more than that he is so damaged that he needs hospitalization, says Tommy Nyman.

What the police know at the moment have no other person threatened in the apartment building where the man was arrested.

– We are investigating whether there could be any other person who has been exposed to any type of threat, but we have no such information at this time, said police spokesman.

The current stairwell has now been cordoned off for the police to carry out a technical crime scene investigation at the site.

The police will Monday evening also hold interviews with any witnesses to the incident.

The police would not currently comment on why you think the man tried to break into the apartment.

– We have an idea of ​​it, but it saves us to tell about the further says Tommy Nyman.


Man stabbed – taken to hospital – Göteborgs-Posten

A man has been stabbed in Kinna.
 - We have cordoned off the area and the man is taken to hospital by ambulance, said police spokesperson Tommy Nyman.

A man has been taken to hospital after he was stabbed . Police hunt for two men suspected of crimes.

– He has suffered some form of abuse and had a knife in one thigh, says Tommy Nyman.

The area is cordoned off and the police collect information in the case.

– Initial witnesses said that two men ran from the scene. The man is talbar and we will hear him and people in place. We have searched the perpetrators with the help of dog patrol, but have not yet been able to arrest some people, says Tommy Nyman.

The man has been taken to hospital by ambulance and police feel under the circumstances.

Previously, the police announced that there was a woman who had been stabbed, but now reports the police that it is instead a man of 55 years old who have been injured in connection with the assault.
– We regret that the information was incorrect, it is entirely our fault, says Tommy Nyman.

New witnesses interrogated all the time and there is some uncertainty about the incident.
– We’ll watch a bit of what was and still say and see if there is any common thread of it all, it has been a little bit different tasks, says Tommy Nyman.

After 19:00 have no perpetrator has not yet been found.


Woman stabbed in the thigh – police chase two perpetrators – Nyheter24

The event must have occurred on Mother Kerstin’s Square in Kinna. Police were alerted there and then they found a man stabbed in the thigh, according to Aftonbladet.

– We could talk briefly with him after the incident but she has now been taken to hospital, says Tommy Nyman, spokesman for the police in West Bengal, told Aftonbladet.

It was full of people on the square during the event, and they saw how the two alleged perpetrators ran from the scene. Once is not arrested but police are in full swing.

Signalementet the men are “vague”, according to Aftonbladet.

Just how injured man is uncertain. The event is classified as physical abuse.

Earlier information from police was that it was a woman who had been stabbed. Police apologize for the incorrect information on its website.

Previous stabbed a woman to walk and one person was stabbed to death in an asylum accommodation.


13-year-old died after motocross accident – Aftonbladet

A 13-year-old boy was killed this weekend in a motocross accident in Nynashamn.

The accident occurred on a cross track in Nynashamn, reports Swedish Radio.

It was the weekend that the 13-year-old boy from Vasteras to take part in a motocross race in Nynashamn. The accident occurred during a training session before the actual competition.

The organizers quickly took the decision to cancel the competition after the fatal accident.

Svemo, Swedish Motorcycle and Snowmobile Association, says to SR P4 Västmanland they after the accident has examined the actual race track.

– I have been taking note of the first report, and there is no indication that there was something wrong on the track, says Secretary General Per Westling to SR.

– Everything was in order. So everything points to a very tragic accident.


13-year-old’s death in motorcross accident – Västerbotten Courier

A thirteen year old boy from Vasteras killed Saturday during a motocross accident in Nynashamn. The incident occurred when the boy took part in a training session for a future contest, reports the P4 Västmanland.

The boy was taken to hospital but his life could not be saved.

The current path has according Svemo, Swedish motorcycle and snowmobile associations, investigated the accident.

– I have taken note of the first report, and there is no indication that there was something wrong on the track. Everything was in order. So everything points to a very tragic accident, says Per Westling Secretary General Svemo to P4.


Major shortcomings in Gotland defense experts say – Sveriges Radio

– To begin with, all of Gotland, they can not even defend at all. We are talking about a single place, Slite Visby airport or port or something like that, Karlis Neretnieks, a former director of the Gotland Regiment and the director of the National Defence University.

Defence experts Caliber have talked to are particularly critical that there is anti-aircraft and artillery on the island.

So the crisis, anti-aircraft coming from Halmstad and artillery Constance. Even those soldiers who can run battle Gotland 14 tanks have to go to the island from the mainland.

Karlis Neretnieks do not think you can defend Gotland until these strengths come.

– Nah, you can defend a place for shorter or longer. It would be enough to supply connections to Gotland, it is not. For all the supplies that we will try to do in a place like position, the Board will also be tackled, says Neretnieks.

The defense of Gotland is a fraction of what it looked like at cold war. Since 6000 could longtime soldiers, employees, and that made military service, quickly mobilized.

2018 will be 160 professional soldiers and the Home Guard 460 to Gotland. And so the 140 temporary workers who must get to the island. Thus, about one-tenth as many troops on the island.

One billion spent on rebuilding a defense of Gotland and it is part of the 10 billion that the Armed Forces have been in extra funding over the period 2016-2020. Furthermore invested SEK 780 million to build a new garrison.

Caliber has called out Armed Forces’ own analysis of how defense capabilities will with the extra additions. The document we have got out is largely masked. But not all. So here it is:

“Risk-taking is too large relative to the opportunities to meet different courses of events. This is particularly evident with respect to information in the higher levels of conflict.”

This means that Sweden has continued difficult defending the country in war and conflict.

Defence Minister Peter Hultqvist not exclude that there will be more focus on the defense of the island.

Can battlegroup Gotland as it is designed now defend the island at an attack?

– the battlegroup can of course once it is completed to constitute something that is raising the threshold, which is an aggravating factor for a potential attacker. And that lead was also of course we have a completely different preparedness opportunity on the island. So I think this is an important investment. Then if this is the end point, it is well to early to say. But I think after all that this issue will be very relevant in the next defense preparation also Gotland, says Peter Hultqvist.


Opposition Criticism of rating trials – Aftonbladet

Education. First came the government and the opposition agree that schools can test to give ratings fourth grade.

But now think the opposition to the government violates the agreement, by the way the trial was designed.

Alliance and the Sweden Democrats are primarily critical of the government because, they say, have not been involved and agree on how the trials with scores in fourth grade to be implemented more concretely, reports the Swedish radio news.

– we are very disappointed that the government has done this myself and in a manner which departs from the agreement we had, says Christer Nylander, liberals spokesperson on education issues, said.

At least four school units

Partly they are critical of those who are in the trial must have at least four school units to be involved, which means that smaller schools can not be with .

Partly they are critical of that when the trial will be evaluated the comparison shall be made with schools of aesthetic learning processes, such as singing and dancing, instead of the regular schools.

– It will do the trials difficult to evaluate and draw conclusions. And here we have not discussed, says Christer Nylander.

To echo says Gustav Fridolin that the two sides agreed that they should have no more than a quarter of its schools . But Christer Nylander says it mainly focused on preventing large municipalities with many schools to take up many of the experimental sites.

Want to Government changes

As for the criticism of comparison says Fridolin to echo that because the schools in question are not randomly selected – principals and teachers must themselves be eager to test – you can not get results that can be applied to the entire school system.

the alliance now wants the government is changing, and will call attention to it.

– Do they not then there is of course a majority in parliament for the grades from year four and then get well the reactivated, says Christer Nylander.


Rating in the fourth grade

It was in February 2015, the government and the Alliance agreed on the issue of ratings fourth grade.

the Alliance went to the polls on the proposal on ratings fourth grade and said that it would pursue the issue in Parliament.

in the end it was a compromise that goes out on a pilot project where a maximum of 100 schools will try to give grades in fourth grade, starting in autumn 2017.


The defense accused the dark about environmental toxins – Sveriges Radio

The investigation has lasted more than a year and for those who worked at the fire drill site.

The review is now complete but the defense chooses to keep the results to yourself.

– It is outrageous that a public authority chooses to cover up a survey they did of what befell their employees, says Herman Afzelius who is chairman of PFAS association.

High levels
it was in December 2013 that it was discovered that the drinking water in Kallinge contained soaring levels of the environmental toxin PFAS.

The same substance on fire foam that since the 1980s has been used on the air wing F17. PFAs are stored in people and the environment and has been shown to have hormone-disrupting effects on the thyroid and fertility.

Herman Afzelius who himself drank the polluted water Kallinge think it is important for the whole society that all information is on the table.

Folke Borgh , head of the Defence environmental assessment unit, says that the key is to protect the employee’s privacy. And he does not think the defense blinds.

– Not a thing, he says.

Is the reason that you do not publish the results could be perceived as unfavorable to defense?

– no, it is about ensuring that health information can not be traced to an individual individual, he says.

But Herman Afzelius believes that it is important that the large study that follows over 60 000 people who live or lived at Kallinge since the early 1980s may be as good a basis as possible .

There, Defence investigation could be a good addition, he believes.


Sunday, May 29, 2016

Deficiencies in Gotland defense – Västerbotten Courier

There are major gaps in the defense that is being built up on Gotland for a billion kronor, according to several experts, reports the Echo.

the criticism is mainly about that there is no anti-aircraft and artillery on the island. If a crisis were to occur, air defense come from Halmstad and artillery from Boden.

Defence Minister Peter Hultqvist says the caliber that he does not exclude that there will be more focus on the defense of the island.


Isabella Lövin (MP) for the first party leader debate – Sveriges Radio

At 20:00 tonight to offer SVT on the party leader debate. The debate takes place at a time when one of the government parties, the Green Party, had a very turbulent time, and is at record low poll numbers. The party has also recently replaced one of its spokespersons.

In addition to Isabella Lövin make their first debate, it is also the first time that as many women as men meet in a debate between party leaders.


Thousands without power after explosion at power plant – Aftonbladet

Police have been called to a power plant in Blekinge for information about an explosion.

Thousands of people are without power as a result of the event.

– We had a fire in an electrical transformer station which then exploded, says Pernilla Schoug, communications director at EON.

the affected hydroelectric power plant located in Hemsjö north of Olofstrom in Blekinge.

– There’s been some kind of slap in a hydroelectric plant. We are there to see if we can assist the emergency services with something, says Calle Persson at the police control center for Skåne and Blekinge.

“Do not know what it is”

The alarm came in to the police at 19:25.

the plant is owned by EON stating that the explosion was caused by a fire that started in a transformer. The event will now be investigated.

– This happens now and then, something breaking. It can be a gasket leaking oil, it could be any animal entered the facility, says Johan Aspegren, information manager at EON.

Thousands without power

He states that it is not there is no suspicion of sabotage.

– It would surprise me very much. There is alarm and electrified fences around the plant and had anyone taken there so someone had seen it. I can not exclude anything, but it would surprise me greatly if it was there. Would we see the slightest tendency we call course the police.

The event resulted in a power outage that affected thousands of people, mainly in Mörrum, Hemsjö and Svangsta.

– At most, we have been up in 8000 energized but now we are down to about 5000, says Pernilla Schoug at 21 o’clock.

Just before 22 o’clock announced EON to all affected customers had regained power.

“slammed firmly”

at 20 o’clock arrived EON fitters to the facility which also rescue services and police are in place. According to an officer at the rescue Aftonbladet spoken to so did the staff in place early assessment that it is a glitch that caused the explosion that took place outdoors, in the fenced area.

– There has been an explosion in an insulator inside the transformer area. It has exploded and slammed firmly, rattled the rooftops. At the moment it is quiet at the site but apparently affects much of the operation.
