Monday, November 21, 2016

Råttproblematiken can be solved – Stockholm get the okay to use the more dangerous gift – StockholmDirekt

  • Published 13:43, 21 nov 2016

Now came the news that all råtthatare been waiting for. The Swedish chemicals agency has decided to grant dispensation to use the effective use of Racumin. The poison is a powder that is sprayed down in the rats ‘ nests and passageways, and that the rodents are unable to defend themselves against.

see ALSO: Here, take the rats over the children’s playground

the Poison has not been allowed to use since midsummer 2015, which meant that the number of rats has grown exponentially in Stockholm.

“We have decided to grant exemption to the city of Stockholm should be able to handle the emergency situation with the rats in some places of Stockholm,” says Johan Helgesson, regelsamordnare at the Swedish chemicals agency, in a press release.

see ALSO: Requirement – stop the råttinfernot now!

Earlier in the autumn, it has in several places been reported on the big råttproblem. The whole parklekar has been taken over by the brown rodents, which in some cases have been imprudent and ran over the arms of children.

READ ALSO: Råttchocken – climbed on the nioåringens arm

According to Helgesson is the exemption was a way to reduce the råttpopulationen in town, but it does not solve the problem completely.

– the Problem with rats in the crowded innerstadsmiljöer is not possible to solve only with pesticides. In order to reduce the råttpopulationen, it is essential that measures which reduce access to food and attractive bomiljöer for rats, ” says Johan Helgesson.

the Exemption was valid until 10 may 2017.


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