Wednesday, October 1, 2014

S runs over MP on nuclear power – Daily News

S runs over MP on nuclear power – Daily News





The Green Party is losing yet another high-profile issue – nuclear power.


The new government will not shut down some nuclear reactors. But higher fees and increased collateral will lead to nuclear plant shut anyway, claims Green Party’s Åsa Romson.






Green Party is losing yet another high-profile issue – nuclear power.


The new government will not shut down some nuclear reactors. But higher fees and increased collateral will lead to nuclear plant shut anyway, claims Green Party’s Åsa Romson.

In government negotiations, the Green Party lost several profile questions. MP wanted to cut defense spending and not buy new JAS aircraft. Now it will be more money for defense and new aircraft. MP has not succeeded in stopping the construction of the motorway Stockholm Bypass.

 On Wednesday, it became clear that the spokesmen runs in yet another high-profile issue – nuclear power. The new government will not force closure of two nuclear power plants over the next four years.


  But according to Åsa Romson will be closed several plants in the coming years.

 - I promise what is in our manifesto, that during the period of several nuclear reactors to shut down, she said to TT.
According to the Green Party, the tougher safety requirements and altitude nuclear charge lead to several reactors shut down. As late as yesterday came a report that the owners of the Oskarshamn nuclear power plant has problems with profitability.

  The agreement includes that Vattenfall’s plans for building new nuclear power is interrupted. The Social Democrats and the Green Party wants a new energy commission to be partisan and achieve long-term energy agreement.

 The government’s input in talks to be that nuclear power is replaced by renewable electricity, agreed that DN seen. “Nuclear power should bear a greater share of their economic costs. Safety requirements will be tightened and nuclear waste fee increase,” writes parties.

  When it comes to state Waterfalls parties have agreed that the company will be a leader in the energy system towards a higher share of renewable electricity.

 The renewable electricity production will, as agreed, 2020 increased by 30 TWh. Offshore wind and solar power will be supported.






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