Today is Fredrik Reinfeldt in the parliamentary rostrum for the last time.
When the Prime Minister thanked sieves opposition while in on Stefan Löfvens left turn at the first party leader debate after the election.
– Many voters will be very surprised at the changes they actually want to do when husband now says after the election, says KD leader Göran Hägglund.
The first party leader debate in parliament after the election is Fredrik Reinfeldt last. The debate will largely be about the unveiling of the former Prime Minister.
– Fredrik Reinfeldt going to give a speech that summarizes his 25 years in Swedish politics. Then he thinks not take replicated on anyone, says Fredrik Reinfeldt’s outgoing press officer Roberta Alenius to the Daily News.
She also tells us that the next party leader debate – held in January – will be taken by someone else’s Fredrik Reinfeldt.
News leaked
But as Reinfeldt’s outgoing Prime Alliance has set their sights on the new one. Christian Democrat leader Göran Hägglund focuses on the difficulties faced by the new government to push through their proposals in Parliament.
– Jonas Sjöstedt to put stamp of approval on a lot before it can get a budget. He will be a very powerful person in Sweden, says Göran Hägglund.
The last days leaked news of the budget negotiations is the basis for the KD-leader’s criticism in the debate.
– It is a government that has prided itself on being a collaborative, consensus government, but already during these first few days have broken agreements. I think of friskoleöverenskommelsen for example. Besides, it has signaled a number of things that one with difficulty will get through parliament. For example, the package yesterday, which was presented as a question of different ways keep out players other than the public from the welfare sector, says Göran Hägglund.
Focus on winnings
Gains in welfare becomes Also Left leader’s focus. But Jonas Sjöstedt has criticized the new government with him into the chamber foyer.
Not least in terms of labor and the environment. There is a lack of climate ambitions in Government Policy. For example there are no climate targets for 2020, for me it was surprising. We have to have a really ambitious climate targets 45 per cent by 2020, he says.
Annie Loof has recently described the government’s new direction as dark red. Today, she goes on the attack against the Social Democrats’ jobs policy.
– increasing taxation on real jobs to finance the AMS sites, she says.
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