Updated 2014-10-06 11:32.
Published 2014-10-06 08:44
The three red-green parties agree that “profit hunt” to be removed from welfare.
How to do it will be investigated during the next year. 2016 at the earliest, but probably later, new legislation may be in place.
The three red-green parties agree that “profit hunt” to be removed from welfare.
How to do it will be investigated during the next year. 2016 at the earliest, but probably later, new legislation may be in place.
Left Party’s conditions to negotiate the budget has been that the new government will agree to a settlement if the gains in welfare. On Monday morning called the three parties finally to the press conference.
Settlement agreement, the parties agree that the “profit hunt incentive to be removed from the welfare sector.” Basic rule is that taxpayers should stay in welfare.
No bill to limit the gains, however, will be presented during the current parliamentary year. First an investigative look at issues such as staffing requirements and the types of companies that should be allowed in welfare.
Left Party duo Ulla Andersson and Jonas Sjöstedt say they are very satisfied with the deal.
- This is a very fine day, a day when the decisive steps taken to improve the quality of welfare. Now nobody will be able to enrich themselves at the grandmother’s care or on our children’s education or health care. The money will go to what they are for, says Ulla Andersson.
But there is no question of introducing a total ban profit. Although the red-green get in through their line, it should be possible to take out equity invested capital and low interest rate.
- You may be wondering what a low interest rate is? We have jointly said that it is a single digit amount in the lower part of the single-digit range. Exactly how it is formulated, we will return to in the regulations that now will be investigated, says Ulla Andersson.
A commission will be appointed and the conclusions will be that the government proposals during the 2016 inquiry will look at whether a purpose clause in the Articles of Association shall be inserted, as well as the so-called SVB companies to use in welfare. Permit applications and staffing requirements are other questions that the investigator will investigate.
The Red-Greens also want to abolish mandatory LOV and municipalities to stop new schools for profit.
Christian Democrat leader Göran Hägglund describes opening lead as a victory for the Left.
- Here we have a repeal of health care choice where politicians will determine if health centers rather than the people themselves. Here’s staffing rules, ban dividend, such that it will basically make possible to just go with the loss, he says.
He believes that the Red-Green deal will end the partisan friskoleuppgörelsen concluded in the spring of 2013.
- Has now confirmed that the agreement we signed is no longer valid, says Göran Hägglund.
Despite the opposition’s reaction hope Prime Minister Stefan Löfven to be able to get the proposals in the parliament.
- I am convinced that the vast majority want to order in welfare, that tax money goes to what they are intended for and nothing else, he says.
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