Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Government agrees with V on the roof for unemployment – Expressen

The Government agrees with V on the roof for unemployment – Expressen

The government has agreed with the Left:

The ceiling in the funds to be raised.

– This means that people who has 25 000 per month will get 80 percent in the first period when they become unemployed, says labor minister Ylva Johansson, S, TT.

S and MP agreed in late September on the increase of the unemployment benefit.

There is in the upcoming budget for 2015 that the new proposal is.

The government has agreed with the Left that unemployment insurance should be increased from 680 per day to 910 during the first hundred days.

After that, the compensation shall be at 760 crowns, writes TT.

Under the proposal, the new rules come into force on 1 May next year.

The Social counting according to the TT that the cost will to be 1.7 billion next year.

The full year effect is estimated to be 2.3 billion.

The government had also promised that the replacement rate of the unemployment benefit will be 80 percent for the entire period .

– It will not in the first budget, but now we are raising the roof. We will return with the increase to 80 percent, says labor minister Ylva Johansson, S, TT.

And the government, together with the left, may be supported across block boundaries.

All parties except Conservatives have previously said they were ready to raise the roof.

But from moderate distance you can hear then worried noises.

In a written comment to TT says Ulf Krister Andersson, social policy spokesperson for M :

“The government raises the cost of employing young and older, and is instead focusing on the increase in the allowance for the unemployed., it is a risky way if we want more people to work and more courage to employ.”


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