Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Many new jobs to Norrköping – Folkbladet

Many new jobs to Norrköping – Folkbladet

– If all decisions within the Probation Service is that we believe, it will involve approximately 150 jobs in the old post terminal, says the project Joacim Trybom from Probation.

What is it about the job?

– There we open the mail terminal is an administrative center for the whole of the Prison, and what is already decided is that the finance department with about 80 employees will get there, starting right at the beginning of next year.

– If we then get a decision even payroll department will be moving into the mail terminal, it’s about more than 70 jobs, which will then be added during 2015 And so, we get approximately 150 employees at this new workplace.

Why do you think this new focus?

– Today is our financial and payroll staff spread across our various facilities throughout the country. That we are now focusing on a common administrative center in Norrköping is partly due to the overall fewer personnel within our financial and payroll sector, which in turn is due to all the government agencies now have a requirement to become more and more effective .

– Partly it’s also about the job itself becomes more efficient when we have the entire staff at one place. Then you can including standardizing processes, enabling us to get better the quality of the business and it is a lot easier with this kind of change we have all staff in one place.

Why did you choose Norrköping?

– We did an investigation, which concluded that it was best to put the new administrative center in Norrköping. One important reason is of course near to the main office in Norrköping. It’s walking distance, which makes the work more efficiently when we’re having meetings and other things.

Do you have time to recruit all in such short time?

– It is the case that many Services is looking for an application internally within the prison right now and we expect a lot of our current staff across Sweden, from Skåne and up to Kiruna, seeking and receiving the relocated jobs to Norrköping.

How many do you want to move to Norrköping?

– It is hard to say, but a prediction we made is that two thirds of the services are filled with staff who already work within the prison and in that case, we just to external recruiting a third of the current services.

And the old postal premises suitable

– Yes, they’ve been standing empty for several years, but the size and the spaces suits us good for this new center. That you are walking distance to the Travel Centre was also a distinct advantage.


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