Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Working alone on Öresundståg prohibited – Aftonbladet

Working alone on Öresundståg prohibited – Aftonbladet

Malmo. Veolia may not continue to run Öresundstågen if there is no more train crews in addition to the driver. Arbetsmiljöverket forbids namely Veolia to run no crew onboard, local media reported.

According to Veolia occurs only in exceptional cases that the driver is alone, but Tony Gezelius, safety at Veolia Transportation, told Sydsvenskan that occurs regularly due of staff shortages. The newspaper refers to an event earlier in August when passengers on a packed Öresundståg learned that the driver was alone and if they needed help, they would knock on the driver’s room so he would come out at the next station.

The ban will take effect in February next year.


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