Monday, August 18, 2014

Slöftet can give teachers two thousand dollars more a month – Swedish Radio

Slöftet can give teachers two thousand dollars more a month – Swedish Radio

The Social Democrats vowed today to set aside 2.5 billion a year to raising teacher salaries if the batch in office. The intention is to make it more attractive to be a teacher. The verdict on all primary and secondary school teachers talking about close to 2 000 per person per month.

– We want to see a national unity for the teaching profession where we together with the teachers’ unions, but also employers, discusses how to increase the attractiveness of the teaching profession. Then we allocate money to it, says Magdalena Andersson (S), economic political spokesperson.

– But it is still up to the social partners to see how this money can do the most good.

The Social Democrats have today announced several election promises relating to the teaching profession. It should, for example, require better grades and higher results on the university entrance exam for becoming a teacher.

it also to become more attractive to be a teacher, promising the party to put two and a half billion a year to rise teacher salaries.

The verdict on all primary and secondary teachers can get an extra boost of just under 2,000 a month, according to an estimate from the party.

Several teachers at Blommensbergsvägen Bergsskolan in Stockholm listened to the Social Democrats’ news conference.

– Yes, those things you never know. One can always hope, but I’m not going to shout hello until that happens, the teacher says Anna Runsö any pay raises.

– It sounds like the politicians wont let a few weeks before an election. “Now we’re going to throw a ton of money on it as you like.” But then it’s someone else it is not spent. I have a long history of being disappointed by politicians promises, says teacher Erik Billing.

Magdalena Andersson (S) find that teachers react typically healthy and Swedish.

– But here we are socialists clear. We are prepared to put the money here, we finance it by raising taxes on banks. Our assessment is that they can participate and contribute a little more. I actually think that they look forward to it, she says.

The Social Democrats intend to fund their schools initiative through a bank tax is not a good suggestion, it is unsafe, says Education Minister Jan Björklund.

– The school needs more resources and resource level to the school can not be determined by how it currently goes to banks in Sweden, he says.

The trade unions think that the Socialist proposal is essentially good.

– This is essential. If Sweden is to continue to be a nation of knowledge needed this kind of venture. We can not afford not to invest in Swedish teacher, says Bo Jansson, president of the Teachers’ Association.

Of the 3.5 billion be 2.5 billion go to higher teacher salaries. If the payroll says Jan Björklund like this:

– Sweden has raised teacher salaries by eight billion in just the last two years. This is a boost to two and a half billion over the next four years. It is not a sufficient level rise, but it is so much better than nothing.

Bo Jansson at Teachers National Association says that those who are responsible for school operations, municipalities and private schools, must now continue to raise wages. The Social Democrats’ proposal for two and a half billion state is a great addition, he believes.

– It is welcome money. But I think more is needed, I’m sure that more is needed.


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