Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Prosecuted in connection with Jasmin School – Folkbladet

Prosecuted in connection with Jasmin School – Folkbladet

The Muslim independent school started in the fall of 2010 in March 2013 drew Schools Inspectorate in their condition after having seen that there was inadequate students’ academic achievement, study peace and security. A week later came the own bankruptcy.

When the summer’s economic union, who ran the school, got their accounts audited discovered major flaws. Tax payments had been mismanaged. The cost of school supplies and school meals were relatively small, however, there were expenditures unrelated to school activity book, including numerous parking tickets and taxi receipts.

On the question of who it was that had finance responsibility, the overall and daily and ongoing, said Omar Nur in the hearing that there was a shortage they had in school. There was no charge for the economy, no treasurer. Nor was there anyone who had the daily responsibility for personnel. How many teachers Jasmin School had do not know Omar Nur.

The school’s income, that is, student allowance, in 2012, was recorded in a lump the last December. It was also the salaries and social security contributions. When Omar Now the question of how one could know that the economy would work even though the records were chaotic, he replies that they saw how much money was in the bank account and followed it.

The three men accused of accounting fraud and evasion of tax. A 32-year member and a 35 year old member deny the charges. Jasmin school principal Omar Nur admits accounting fraud of negligence.


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