In addition, the mandatory assessment support introduced in Swedish and mathematics in year one, and a proficiency in reading comprehension in grade one.
The investigation was handed over today to the Minister for Education Jan Björklund (Liberal).
– Sweden is in 38th place in PISA. We must lift the results in Swedish schools. In the relatively ratings free primary education which Sweden had in 30 years, the results have fallen precariously said Björklund.
Ingvar see in their investigation that there are several benefits, including clearer information about how things are going at school for pupils and parents and students are encouraged more.
– It is hoped that more will reach the goal of the school’s work, says Ingvar at a press conference.
When the proposal was presented by the government received the criticism from both school, academics and opposition. Martin Ingvar now goes against the line.
– We get a system that will more closely the OECD standard. One gets a clear goal to strive for and additionally better communication between students, parents and school. One is forced teachers to clarify their own image of what should be achieved, says Martin Ingvar.
Jan Bjorklund points out that virtually all of the world begins with grades earlier than Sweden does.
Teachers’ Union gives contrast thumbs down to the proposal:
– A huge waste of resources, says Lärarförbundets Chair Eva-Lis Siren.
Jan Björklund says that the burden on teachers will not increase with the proposal because previously decided to scrap the individual development plans. Siren has, however, a different view.
– There is lack of the ability to deploy aid which is the largest in short supply in the Swedish school today, she says.
– This does not not teaching profession more attractive.
Although the Green Party chastises proposal.
– In plain Skåne: stop klydda. You have just implemented a new grading system, says Party spokesperson Gustav Fridolin.
In place of earlier grades should engage in more teacher time for students. Fridolin regret that the time of high degree is used to “fill in the paper,” and other administration.
The investigator Martin Ingvar reasoned proposal with the need for a stronger evaluation culture in Swedish schools. The reasoning is not entirely foreign to the MP.
– We need to get better at assessment in Swedish schools, but it is needed especially in the younger groups. The And there is no problem that the teachers do not see which ones need extra support, but they do not have the power to ensure that students receive the said Fridolin.
Among other things, he therefore see more special educators in schools.
The proposal is blamed by the Social Democrats’ education political spokesperson Ibrahim Baylan, to be more about electioneering than policy for better school results.
– What we need is not to redo the grading system every four years. The school needs more resources, he says.
He is critical of the proposal’s inception.
– The shot from the hip. One defines a line, and when it turns out that the lack of research support, drive ahead anyway. It’s one of the reasons that we have the fastest-declining level results in the OECD area.
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