Saturday, September 24, 2016

M-sympathizers want to have the SD-co-operation – financial times

Policy. A growing majority of Conservatives voters want to break out of their isolation and cooperate with The sweden democrats, according to a new poll.

Even in the Christian democrats are the majority for the cooperation, and in the Liberals and the Centre party is more for than against.

In the Ipsos measurement in september with 1 727 respondents, for Today’s News account to 61% of M-sympathizers to cooperate with SD in matters where the parties have similar perceptions. 28 per cent want to stick with to do everything to reduce the SD’s influence.

In september 2014 was 53 percent of the M-sympathizers for cooperation, and in april 2015, the proportion had increased to 55 per cent. Isoleringsfalangen had 39 per cent in 2014 and 28% in 2015.

the Issue is hot because SD’s leader, Jimmie Åkesson has said he is willing to support a conservative budget if the ruling coalition parties had agreed to negotiate with the SD.

And also the Christian democrats are now a majority, 56 percent, of cooperation, while 33 percent are opposed. Half of the Liberal supporters want to work, 46 percent are against. In the Centre is the shares of 48 percent for the cooperation and 41 percent against.

Meanwhile, the Alliance’s senior representative continued to say no to SD.

Recently in the Echo lördagsintervju said KD’s party secretary Acko Ankarberg to a possible alliansregering would not cooperate or negotiate with the SD.


Ipsos has the 9-19 september, asked 1,727 question: “Ander you that the other parties should cooperate with The sweden democrats on issues where they have similar views or do you think they should do everything to reduce their influence?”

Answers, sorted on the basis of partisympatier:


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