Wednesday, September 28, 2016

After AB’s disclosure: a senior leader is forced to leave the church – Aftonbladet

After a series of revelations from the newspaper Aftonbladet, the Swedish church abroad were two top managers from the services.

at the same time launched the secretary-general of an independent inquiry.

today came the results of the examination: abroad commander of the forced to leave his service.

at the same time, it is stated that top managers on several occasions have violated the church’s regulations for the bonus program in connection with the travel.

Aftonbladet’s review of the Swedish church abroad, SKUT, which was published in the beginning of June, had a major impact.

After several revealing about luxury holidays, expensive dinners and private trips at the church’s expense were two top executives from the head office in Uppsala is immediately out of service.

Initiated the investigation

the investigation made to the Swedish church launched a review of the SKUT’s business.

After further revelations by the times about the ills of the Londonförsamlingen – where the vicar made use the church’s resources for private purposes and was accused of harassment of employees – chose the church to also investigate the work environment there.

today published the investigations and the Swedish church has decided to abroad general manager Anders Bergkvist may leave the service.

at the same time, it is stated that top managers on several occasions have violated the church’s regulations for the bonus program in connection with the travel. SEE ALSO PLUS is Preaching about right and wrong and commit crimes

the Church sharpens the framework

After Aftonbladet’s disclosure implements the church, a number of changes. According to the secretary-general, it means that:

the Church tightens the use of corporate cards. From enterprise cards to a card with personal payment liability.

In the autumn of 2016 introduces a new policy for internrepresentation at the national level where the employer no longer pay for alcohol.

the Church tightens procedures relating to the bonus plan.

the Church sharpens the routines when employees lack a receipt for representation or purchase.

the Church organizes e-learningkurser in the Swedish church’s code of conduct. All new employees are trained in the but the church also see a need to update it for kyrkokansliets all employees.

Led to retain club members

Aftonbladet’s revelations have also in the past led to major consequences for the church.

Total, asked for approximately 13 000 people more than normal exit from the church during June and July, according to preliminary figures.

According to the church it was among other things a consequence of the Aftonbladet’s revelations.

” Our assessment is that there is an effect of the media’s reviews, but it starts slowing down, said Martin Larsson, press secretary at kyrkokansliet in Uppsala, sweden, for Aftonbladet at the end of the summer.

After Aftonbladet’s disclosure had also Visby diocese – which has supervisory responsibility over the utlandsförsamlingarna – act and initiated an investigation of the ills of the Londonförsamlingen.

Next week, on Wednesday, 5 October, stiftsjurist Anna Tronêt present its report when the cathedral chapter meeting. SEE ALSO This happened: All of the revelations about the church


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