Friday, September 30, 2016

Challenges remain for the police – Göteborgs-Posten

the Police need to be better at the local work and to clear up the crimes, considers the state Treasury in its investigation of the police reform. (Arkivbild) Image: Bjorn Larsson Rosvall

Sweden the Police need to be better at the local work and to clear up the crimes, considers the state Treasury in its investigation of the police reform. But any sharp deterioration is not visible, and the number of flaws existed prior to the reorganization.

On 1 January 2015 were 23 police forces merged into one. Now has the Treasury investigated the consequences.

the Police have had too much focus on the organization – you must now give priority to the business, considers the head of the unit for investigative support Johan Sørensson.

- The local policing needs to be strengthened. You need to work much more with the investigative activities and to ensure that you can be sustainable, ” he says to TT.

In plain language it means that the police need to be better to clear up all types of crimes.

No loss

However, it is not possible to blame the shortcomings on the reorganization. The trend was already there before, according to the investigator. It is not possible to see a so-called produktionstapp. Otherwise, it is very common in the case of reorganization, out Sørensson.

- We have not seen this dive. We can’t see that the police do not have sufficient resources to get on the alarm, or that they make fewer and fewer investigations, ” he says.

When the goal of getting “closer to its citizens” is to be achieved, resources to go to the local police work.

- You have had too high ambitions. You can not bet on all at the same time. Otherwise, not enough resources, it is so simple, ” says Sørensson.

Employee role should also be strengthened in the process of change, he points out.

- Communication has been too weak. Our explanation is that in the very high degree has been a lack of managers in the organization, they have not been added. There have not been channels to develop the business or to communicate what’s going on.

Ygeman: A way to go

Interior minister Anders Ygeman (S) are of the opinion that the state treasury’s report “is in line with the assessments we have made, and that the police have done,” he says to TT.

- There has been a gap in communication and so it took far too long to recruit these 2 900 heads, which has meant that employees have been left alone in the reorganization without the managerial support that they have earned. It is criticism which must be taken seriously, says Ygeman.

on the positive side: how the operational capacity improved by a system with a national management.

- But when it comes to some other areas, we have a good bit left. We must have a greater focus on local work and get more police officers where they are needed the most, in the vulnerable areas. And we need to be better at making the employees involved.

three weeks ago, named Dan Eliasson measures to be taken to meet several of the problems the state Treasury is now taking forward. 600 civilians will be recruited next year. Adjustments shall also be made in the reorganization.

Invest in the employees

A wager, shall also be made on the employees which, inter alia, to work for the long term get up wages and to create better development and career opportunities in the work.

the state treasury the government has acted to follow up on “the change had the intended effects in relation to the government’s purpose and objectives”. Basically, it is about goals in terms of improved results and a higher quality of police work.

Friday’s report is the first of three. The other will be about a year and the final report in the autumn of 2018.

Background: the police organization

After a merger of the former 21 länsindelade police forces, the national police board and the Swedish national laboratory of forensic science became the Police a authority on 1 January 2015.

the Authority is headed by the national police commissioner (RPC), which alone bears the responsibility for its operation.

the RPC is appointed by the government. The current RPC, Dan Eliasson, was appointed in connection with the new organization.

Regionpolischefer leads the work of the seven polisregioner responsible for, among other investigative activities, crime prevention activities and services within their respective geographical areas – North, Centre, of sweden, Stockholm, East, West and South.

For the whole of the authority are five common departments to “meet the operational and management needs of strategic governance, operational support and the support of more administrative character”. The departments are:

  • IT department
  • legal department
  • Finance department
  • HR department
  • Communications department

the National operations department (Noa) to “focus and lead policing nationally and internationally, and support the polisregionerna”.

It was formerly known as the national forensic laboratory (SKL) has changed its name to the National forensiskt center (NFC).

Source: Police

Facts: The seven polisregionerna

the Police department is divided into seven regions, which in turn are divided into polisområden and lokalpolisområden.

The seven regions are:

North: Jämtland, Västernorrland, Västerbotten and Norrbotten, with the administrative capital of Umeå.

My: Gävleborg, Uppsala and Västmanland, sweden with the population of the city of Uppsala.

the Bergslagen region: Örebro, Värmland and Dalarna, with capital of Örebro.

Stockholm: Stockholm and Gotland in sweden with the capital Stockholm.

East: the counties of Södermanland, Östergötland and Jönköping, the capital city of Linköping.

the West: Västra Götaland and Halland with the city of Gothenburg.

South: Kalmar, Kronoberg, Blekinge and Skåne with the city of Malmö.

Source: Police


New strategy against child marriage – Västerbottens-kuriren (the Courier)

the Number of underage asylum seekers who say they are married when they come to Sweden, have increased sharply after the great flow of refugees in the last year, reports the Echo.

the Swedish migration board has identified 129 married girls and three boys among unaccompanied children, but the National kompetensteamet at the county administrative board makes the assessment that the number of unknown cases is very large.

About a month present the government a new strategy against child marriage.


Man’s death in fyrhjulingsolycka – Aftonbladet

A 28-year-old man has died in a fyrhjulingsolycka on Friday night.

the Accident occurred in the Bjurholms kommun.

He was taken to the hospital where he was pronounced dead. It is a tragic accident, ” says Henrik Vernerlund, officers at the regionledningscentralen in Västerbotten, sweden.

It was at half past eleven on Friday night, as the police and ambulance was alerted to a road outside Bjurholm in Västerbotten county.

A man born in 1988 has driven down with a quad bike and injured himself difficult. He was taken to the hospital where he was pronounced dead. There is no suspicion of a crime.

“It’s a tragic accident,” says Henrik Vernerlund, officers at the regionledningscentralen in Västerbotten, sweden.

the Man’s relatives have been notified.


18-year-old omhäktad for sommarstugemordet – Today’s News

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The mother’s grief during the trial – the Express newspaper

the city of NORRKÖPING. Friday began the trial after the vargattacken where a 30-year-old animal keeper was killed.

Several of the prosecutor’s evidence is the footage from before the time of the accident.

When the dead daughter’s voice could be heard out in the hall, no longer could the mother keep the tears away.

Now get a vargangrepp at a zoo for the first time, their legal aftermath. A large part of the evidence in the proceedings is a clip from the visitors who become guided inside of the wolves before the accident. In hall 1 at the Norrköping district court forced the family of the dead woman to see movies on the wolves which, according to the obduktionsrapporten killed her.

” It was a regntung day, June 17, 2012, began prosecutor Linda Schön his description of the day of the accident for nearly four years ago.

– In the background we will hear JJ’s voice, warns Linda Schön.

When her voice echoed out in the hall, it becomes too much for the mother, and she slaps his face in his hands.

Now get a vargangrepp at a zoo for the first time, their legal aftermath.Photo: Police

the Wolf was not on the list

a Little later, to either the mother or sister of the injured woman watch the large video screens. But the sound from the sometimes very aggressive wolves. We get to see how one of the vargguiderna attacked by a ledarvarg and she must kick herself free.

” But on the list of dangerous animals at Kolmården zoo, so there was not the wolf, noted prosecutor Linda Schön.

It was the prosecutor’s day in court, and a large part of the case stated was all about risk management at the Kolmården zoo. For it is the working environment that is in focus.

Prosecutors made the assessment that if the Kolmården zoo had fulfilled its arbetsmiljöskyddsarbete – so had the accident been avoided.

it had not happened, ” says Jan Olof Andersson, actor at riksenheten for environmental and work environment objectives.

Linda Schön read up on it as the zoo wrote in their arbetsmiljödokument before the fatal accident.

– Here, it is also empty. You have created different headings to fill in the things simply, but we have not come further, ” she says.

It was the prosecutor’s day in court, and a large part of the case stated was all about risk management at the Kolmården zoo.Photo: Roger Vikström

Zoo denies breach

And there was a lot of repetition, something that was totally intentional. Several times before the accident happened had the Swedish work environment authority have been in contact with the zoo and claimed that they would address a number of points, including reträttvägar and lack of tillbudsrutiner in the park.

during the trial were the defendants Mats Höggren, zoological director at the time of the accident, and the lawyer representing the Kolmården zoo AB Both announced Friday that they still deny the crime.

“It is a tragic event that no one should be punished for,” said Mats Höggrens lawyer Johan Eriksson and continues:

today it is the prosecutor’s day, but we want to give a more nuanced picture of the work with the wolves at Kolmården zoo.

Djurvårdarens family has declined to comment on the incident. On Tuesday, the trial.


V: No transparency around the TTIP-agreement – Sveriges Radio

the Negotiations on a free trade agreement between the EU and the united states has been described as the most transparent ever. For example, there has been established a reading room at the state department to mps will be able to follow the development.

But when Jens Holm (V) went missing of the most interesting documents.

” I’m so tired of the secrecy surrounding this trade agreement. It will be impossible for me, which ultimately should be one of Sweden’s 349 mps that is likely to be be with and decide about this agreement. When not even we get to read all the texts, how then should an ordinary Swedish citizens understand this agreement, which is already complicated?

The sheaves in the negotiations on a free trade agreement with the united states, but in a couple of areas have still managed to agree on the wordings. At EU level it has been decided that these texts should be made available to the national parliaments of the member states, but the foreign ministry in Sweden has not been hit documents.

It is the Swedish principle of public access that makes US not want to release the texts. It says Karin Nylund is presskommunikatör at the foreign MINISTRY.

– Our principle of public access means that we must disclose documents and we can not promise that hemligstämpla something that we haven’t seen before.

the EU trade commissioner Cecilia Malmström is responsible for the negotiations with the united states. She does not comment on this matter today, but has previously stressed how important it is that all EU countries really share the information with their parliaments, to ensure the democratic scrutiny of the agreement.

Jens Holm is not satisfied with how this issue has been prepared by the Department of state, and he has now appealed to the government.

– the foreign MINISTRY says that I should go down to Brussels to read these texts. A Swedish member of parliament should need to travel to another country to read texts that are absolutely relevant to the member’s behalf, it is not okay.


BB is laid down in the town of Sollefteå – Today’s News

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The trial of Kolmården has started – Expressen

today started the trial of the Kolmården zoo and the then zoological director Mats Höggren after the deadly vargolyckan 2012.

In hall 1 at the Norrköping district court met today the woman’s family, the leadership of the Kolmården zoo and the then zoological director Mats Höggren. But no words were exchanged between the parties.

It has been four years since the tragic accident in the Kolmården zoo, where a 30-year-old female keeper was killed by its own flock.

It was a concerted and very serious Mats Höggren, the then zoological director of Kolmården zoo, which met up for the trial.

Both he and the Kolmården zoo AB indicted announced that they still deny the crime.

the Kolmården zoo AB was represented by a lawyer, but behind on lyssnarbänkarna set even Park and Resorts CEO Christer Fogelmarck.

” For me it is first and foremost a deeply tragic accident. Today, it is the prosecutor’s day, there are many more rättegångsdagar where we will hear the staff which will describe an activity that lasted for 30 years, ” says Christer Fogelmarck.

Behind the two prosecutors from the riksenheten for the environment and the work environment objectives, Jan Olof Anderson and Linda Schön, set the family to the omkomne female animal keeper. Their lawyer announced to the family calls for 40 000 sek for everyone in the family to the fatalities in damages.

The first day the prosecutor has the floor. In the case stated had prosecutors put up eight points, to give a better picture of the case stated. Where the went prosecutor Linda Schön, inter alia, through the reporting of near-accidents as she repeatedly pointed out was the lack.

– I note that this accident does not include the reporting of near-accidents.

Three of the he said so more than 80 film clip was also shown up in the beginning. One was with the accused, Mats Höggren for yourself where he is in a story with TV4 is in one of the park’s varghägn.

the Wolf is basically harmless to humans ” says Mats Höggren in element to the female reporter.

the Prosecutor read the list of dangerous animals that Kolmården zoo had set up before the accident.

– And it does not contain the wolf, ” observes Linda Schön.

Mats Höggren has chosen not to submit any comments in connection with the trial, but his lawyer, Johan Eriksson said at the lunch break that the defense will try to nuance the image of the work with the wolf.

” We want to take us back to 2012 and see how it worked then. No one should be or judged for this unfortunate accident, ” he says, and believes that the fatal accident had not been foreseen.


Abracadabra: the Minister lowers the rents in the new apartments – the Swedish newspaper svenska Dagbladet

Simsalabim! Minister for housing announced on Thursday a carrot in the billions to those who promise to build rental properties with low rents. But that effort has several challenges: Not in eight years has storstadshyrorna have been as low as the scheme requires.

Housing minister Peter Eriksson (MP). Photo: Lars Pehrson

Month after month has the 2.2 billion in the government’s focus on cheap rental apartments have been impossible to distribute. But ultimately, these are the rules for a brand new state aid to the new leaseholds in place. During the four years to over 11 billion, to rental production could be sought in a system in which the government want to do long-term.

It was a relieved minister of housing Peter Eriksson, who on Thursday unveiled the details after the new state aid during the long period of time tröskats by the EU. To the tough rules belong to a new apartment in Stockholm on the 35 square feet may not have a month’s rent over 5 306 kroner to qualify in the scheme.

it is Clear that Sweden, which for many years has only had a market-oriented housing construction, now officially supported the apartment building again.

in Fact, so low average rent for newly-built ones, it has not been since 2008, even in the outer areas, at least not in the stocks, which is mediated by the Residence Stockholm. The crucial question learn, therefore, be on the new state aid is so tempting, that it is able to the real estate industry to refrain from maxhyror in metropolitan municipalities where the glaring lack of housing makes it so easy to rent.

But Peter Eriksson did on Thursday is clear that the aid is intended for tenancy “in a little less attractive locations where the ground is not so expensive” and that the government expects to support 10 000 more rental units.

Politically the proposal contentious from the outset. Within the Alliance is the thesis that government support for housing is to let the fire go up the chimney, for example, by exacerbating the bottlenecks when the construction industry right now, still hit the roof.

Housing minister Peter Eriksson believes that even if the industry goes for högryck, the support can spur further, for example, by new entrants from other countries will find to Sweden or to certain sectors to be renewed and becomes more industrial.

“It is also an important point that the state now shows that we in the new also need rental housing,” said Peter Eriksson, who of course knows that hyresrätterna, after all, already accounts for about 40 percent of the residential construction beginning this year and next year. Support for tenancy can of course also be seen as an important point in a forthcoming election campaign where the difficulties to find housing that people can afford, learn to be a key issue.

With the new support can hosts based tenancy to fish up all the 231 000 sek in support for each of the new lair of 35 square meters in Stockholm, if the rent is kept low. The intensities are somewhat lower in other parts of the country, but it actually looks to by far cover the difference between the current possible maxhyror and the lower rents of the hosts which select state aid must keep under 15 years of age.

More hyreshusprojekt learn to count the home on rent levels that narrow the wallets can handle. Security for hosts that are betting on this, is in addition to the usual risk of vacancy rates in peripheral locations with cheap land during the recession, is hardly going to affect their particular house, where the rents of course will be lower than normal.

trade association property owners warned on Thursday of “political set rents” and a “misdirected” support in a location where the housing market is most in need of greater mobility and a more efficient use of housing stock. More positive comments, however, the municipal housing companies ‘ organization Sabo who see that it is now possible to count the home bostadsbyggen in places where it does not currently have joined to build a new one.

the Conditions for the aid is to hyresrätterna conveyed transparent, usually through the housing office, as well as to the lower rents during the 15 year not adjusted up faster than other rents. The buildings must also be energy efficient and be built with different unit sizes. The hosts must also not make unreasonable inkomstkrav. According to Peter Eriksson, the aim is to build people with a bit lower income.

what is Clear is that Sweden,, who during many years has only had a market-oriented housing construction, now officially supported the apartment building again.

The new state aid to rental housing in greater Stockholm because of more expensive land. Support is also greatest for small apartments of 35 square meters, but it also provides for larger apartments. For the 77 square meters in Stockholm county would hyrestaket go at about 9 300 sek per month, while hyrestaket is 5 306 per month for 35 sq m in greater Stockholm.

Hyrestaken added approximately 7% lower in the Göteborg and the malmö area, as well as 10 per cent lower in other parts of the empire.

Forward sought the support for rental housing and housing for students from 1 January 2017. But support can also be sought retroactively for the construction which began after march 25, 2015.

Even small property owners can apply, as long as hyresförhandlingen follow the Swedish practice.


Bet on the psychological defence – Today’s News

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Thursday, September 29, 2016

Student were violated in several years, the school of criticism – Vestmanlands Läns Tidning

Published 29 sep 2016 19:03

A primary school in Västerås, sweden did not do enough to stop the violations against a student in the school. It considers children and elevombudsmannen, BEO.

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the Student was subjected to violations of other students for several years, which the school knew about. The school has also intervened and investigated the violations, by both the principal and the class teacher has talked with the students.

It led to improvements for the pupil, but the violations did not cease notes e-mail.

BEO also believe that the school would have investigated the student’s situation more comprehensively, in order to get a clearer picture of the situation and been able to put in more effective measures.

the Learner has stopped at the school, which means that Västerås is no longer able to take any measures to stop the violations against the student.

e-mail also notes that the student can not get damages from the municipality when the school despite done some things to improve the student’s situation.


Complete shutdown of traffic on the E4/E6 – Aftonbladet

An accident with a truck and several cars involved have occurred in the E4/E6 outside Helsingborg.

There is a lookout for traffic in both directions.

According to the emergency services at least five people have been injured.

At 05.30-time overturned a truck on the E4/E6 outside Helsingborg, in the vicinity of the junction Body. Then, several cars have run into the truck.

– Vehicle roller over the width of the carriageway in the southbound direction. It is completely shut off in traffic, ” says Maya Forstenius, presstalesperson at police in the southern region.

According to the emergency services at least five people have been injured in the crash. The extent of the damage is currently unknown.

“I have no information on it,” says Maya Forstenius at the police.

It is a complete stop in the traffic in both körriktningarna at the scene of the accident. It is expected to take several hours before traffic can be released again.

the Article is updated.


Two men tried to lure with the girl – Expressen

I want to Expressen should be the magazine which is most generous with the rebuttal, corrections, and how we report any censure from the Press Council.

the Swedish newspaper Expressen’s ambition is clear. In our “Quality policy” switch, I wired it as published to be accurate. My first decision as editor-in-chief was to establish a fixed place in the magazine and on the site for corrections. But we are humans. Who make mistakes, get ripped off or rushed to carelessness. There are a few explanations to the errors in the media, but the excuse still not to the editorial staff of one exposure for publicitetsskada.

the Express newspaper is behind the “Ethical rules for press, radio and tv” formulated by the publicist club, the Swedish union of journalists, newspaper publishers, the Swedish Magazines, Swedish Radio, Swedish Television and Swedish educational Broadcasting company.

“the Rules are more of guidelines than a formal set of rules,” notes the Public press ombudsman (PO). What is good media ethics must be determined from case to case, and there is no exact answer. But it is good that the matter is discussed.

Expressen speak often and feel free to be clear, we inspect and we disclose; it is journalism that is not everyone will appreciate what we are telling them. If you believe you are a victim of a publicitetsskada is the fastest way to get redress, please contact us: e-mail to or call our nyhetsdesk on telephone: 08-738 30 00. But it is also possible to make a so-called PO-notification to get a pressetisk trial.


Volvo is recalling 127 000 brand new cars the world over. – Aftonbladet

Volvo is recalling 127 000 brand new cars the world over.

the Reason is that the air conditioning is leaking into the water which makes the vehicles ‘ airbags may not function properly.

– in The case of 6 400 cars in Sweden, ” says Catherine Adamson, director of corporate communications at Volvo Cars.

the Cars being recalled are the models XC90, S90 and V90.

the Error is caused by a felinstallerad hose. The moisture that occurs can make the airbag is prevented from being triggered in a crash.

– A drain hose connected to the air conditioner is possibly not mounted correctly. The purpose of the hose is to lead the condensation and water out from the air conditioner. If the error occurs, it can lead to moisture inside the car, which in turn can lead to performance issues in AC:n and a longer-term perspective affect other electrical systems, ” says Catherine Adamson, director of corporate communications at Volvo Cars.

According to the AP revoked 127 000 cars worldwide, 44 000 of them in the united states, but the problems are also in they wanted Swedish cars of the same models.

– It will also apply to the Swedish market. It is about 6 400 cars in Sweden. It comes to S and V90 and also the XC90, ” says Catherine Adamson.

the Cars belong to modellåren 2016 and 2017.

Återkallningen is optional.

– We will shortly contact all affected customers, who are invited to contact their nearest authorized Volvo dealer for repairs completely free of charge, ” says Catherine Adamson.

No accidents or injuries have not been reported in association with the error, writes the AP.

– This is a consistent quality and säkerhetsförbättringsarbete from our side that we are working with this type of charge-backs, ” says Catherine Adamson.


The police about the accident on the E6: Trucker fell asleep at the wheel – Helsingborgs Dagblad


In this morning there was a traffic accident with several vehicles involved between the trafikplatserna Body and They. Now the flowing traffic to the north and the south open the way at 17.30.

the Accident occurred shortly before six o’clock on Thursday morning. Four cars and a truck that were heading south were involved and according to the initial interrogation with the driver seems to the cause to have been that he had gone to sleep.

– the Driver has indicated to the police that he has fallen asleep at the wheel, ” says Kim Hild at the police control center.

She points out, however, that the data is from a very early stage, but that the man is suspected of negligence in the traffic.

the Accident occurred on Thursday morning.Image: Peter Ferm

cleanup efforts after the accident were still ongoing at lunchtime on Thursday.Image: Ola Olofsson

Two people were taken to hospital as a result of the accident and both of them, a woman in their 50s and a man in his 30s being treated at Helsingborg general hospital. Both of their condition were designated during the the morning that seriously. At 16 o’clock, however, came the news that the damage was minor for both.

throughout the day, has also the road, the E6 motorway, between the junction Body and They have been completely shut off in both directions. The transport agency expects to release on the traffic completely again no earlier than 14.

the Four passenger vehicles stated to have driven into the truck that overturned, and the place has a long stretch of the median barrier completely destroyed. The truck ended up lying across both passageways.

A few moments after the accident occurred another accident when a truck drove into one of the Swedish transport administration’s large vehicles with signs that warn of accidents. A moment ago, was the clean-up and salvage following the accident, the completion of which no person was injured.

The major accident affecting traffic flow throughout the region and the transport agency asks road users to choose other paths, such as the eastern link in Helsingborg or road 109/110 via Ekeby to Hyllinge.

Image: Luke Hansson/Läsarbild

Image: Karin Larsson/Läsarbild


Newcomers lack of eligibility – financial times

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New rules for the be described as suicide terrorism is introduced in 2017 – Västerbottens-kuriren (the Courier)

the Government has hammered the new rules for the so-called fjälljakten in order to reduce pressure from foreign hunters. Hunters residing in Sweden, or with closer ties to Sweden, should have preference to hunt.

the Rules apply to small game on state land above the cultivation line and in the renbetesfjällen. They will take effect next year, according to the amended regulation that the government has decided on.

The current rules, which have been in force since 2007, has meant that hunters from other countries have had the same opportunity to hunt small game hunters residing in Sweden. Many Norwegian and Italian hunters have taken it.

the County, which has the responsibility to grant the right to hunt, may, by the new rules, more opportunities to handle the pressure.

But there will be no residence requirement in Sweden for the right to hunt. It may suffice that a person owns a property, run a business or work here for that he or she should be able to get the right to hunt.


Truck has roller – stop in both directions at the E4/E6.


There is a lookout between the junction They and the junction Body in both directions after an accident with several vehicles early in the morning. A man and a woman is seriously injured.

– There is extensive queues just. The cause of the accident, I know nothing about, but we have received reports that there will be content on the site, ” says Kim Hild, press officer at the police in Skåne.

the Reason for the shutdown is a truck as a roller, and a collision with several cars involved. According to information from the emergency services could all involved people take themselves out of the vehicles for their own machine. Two of them were taken according to the police, with the ambulance to the hospital.

” We’ve had a woman in their 50s and a man in his mid-30s, both are severely injured, says Maria Wogensen, press officer at Helsingborg general hospital.

the Four passenger vehicles stated to have run into the truck from behind, who for unclear reasons and overturned. One of postnord’s vehicle is also across the E4/E6 and blocking both lanes and a large section of the median barrier along with Europavägen has been completely destroyed.

The cars that stood still when They have been released past the scene of the accident. Traffic headed in the northbound direction at They.

the Swedish transport administration estimates that the road will be closed until 14: 00 today. The accident also affects the flow of traffic on the eastern link in Helsingborg, sweden and about to enter in Helsingborg past the Väla. Transport agency urges road users to take alternative roads, passing Helsingborg right now. For example, path 111 between the Ättekulla, and Brohult, or the way 109/110 via Ekeby to Hyllinge.

“But I can’t figure out that there will be queues in Helsingborg and that it is the right struggling to run on the eastern link, which most people choose now in place,” says Ronny Lundgren, internal command at the emergency services northwest Skåne, TT.

Image: Luke Hansson/Läsarbild

Image: Karin Larsson/Läsarbild


Truck has roller – stop in both directions at the E4/E6 – Helsingborgs Dagblad


There is a lookout between the junction They and the junction Body in both directions. The police have closed of from the exit Helsingborg, south.

the Reason for the shutdown is a truck as a roller, and a collision with several cars involved. According to information from the emergency services could all involved people take themselves out of the vehicles for their own machine. The cause of the accident is currently unclear.

– It is difficult to say how the truck has been able to overturn. Traffic is completely off and there are a large number of rescue and recovery services in place. The emergency services are about to leave the place right, and the stake is currently transitioning to clean bärgningsarbete, ” says Peter Ferm, HD’s envoy on the scene of the accident.

the Four passenger vehicles stated to have run into the truck from behind, who for unclear reasons and overturned. One of postnord’s vehicle is also across the E4/E6 and blocking both lanes. The cars stood still when They have been released past the scene of the accident. But the other is led by the at the They the north. Traffic headed in the northbound direction at They.

the Accident is also affecting traffic flows on the eastern link in Helsingborg, sweden. The Swedish transport administration estimates that the road will be closed until 14: 00 today.

Image: Luke Hansson/Läsarbild

Image: Karin Larsson/Läsarbild


Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Suspected bomb on the bus in Uppsala – Today’s News

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Bromma airport vacated after the suspicious bag – Aftonbladet

Bromma airport in Stockholm was evacuated after a suspicious bag was found at the airport.

But just over 30 minutes later, the reformer police the event – the content was harmless.

– A plane was hit, but there were no further delays, ” says Ulf Wallin at Swedavia.

the Police was alerted on Wednesday evening at Bromma airport after a suspicious bag found in the entrance hall. At the airport and Swedavia’s orders evacuated the premises. The police was on site and examined the bag.

– First we’ll form a view about what it is for objects. Then you can either look at it yourself, but first we’ll form a view, ” says Towe Hägg, presstalesperson at police in Stockholm.

At 21.20, police announced that the case contents were harmless.

No planes took off from Bromma airport in 30 minutes as police investigated the bag. In total, it affected a departure which was delayed.

– A plane was hit, but there were no further delays, ” says Ulf Wallin at Swedavia’s press office.


Was brutally murdered when society betrayal – Aftonbladet

Crime. The 41-year-old woman met the wrong man. When she discovered it, it was already too late – society betrayal and she was unprotected. Now charged the man suspected of having killed her for murder.

brutal dödsmisshandeln in Bromma, sweden in the beginning of June has attracted a lot of attention and anger.

the Woman was approached by the 33-year-old man via Facebook in February and they began a relationship. For the woman it became as medieuppgifter the start of months full of threats, violence and harassment. In the spring, the she’s the man and he was arrested in absentia under suspicion for rough kvinnofridskränkning. But when the woman took back the notification, according to the relatives of the fear of man, was the matter down.

Just a few days later attacked the man the woman in her home and is suspected to have killed her.

Warning signs

– That the case received so much attention, I think, has to do with the fact that the woman had made all right, and yet there was not help enough that she would have to live, says Mikael Rying, kriminolog at the police national operational department and an expert on the deadly violence.

She had documented his injuries, notified the man and sought refuge with relatives. That the man also had a violent past, and in the spring had sought help within the health care system should have had all the alarm bells ringing, according to Rying.

– When it comes to lethal violence in close relationships, it is not uncommon that both polisanmälningar ago in the past and, secondly, that the offender in various ways sought help within the health care system, but have not received it. But to criticize psychiatry I believe that we have here an important key to how we can avoid cases like these. When prospective perpetrators of violence seeking help, so it must be a special observandum, ” says Mikael Rying.

To be beaten to death is unusual in the murder that takes place in close relationships, according to Rying. The violence which the woman was subjected to has also been described as rare coarse.

– Generally, it indicates that the offender has an explosive personality: is very lättkränkt, can not manage their impulses and are empatistörd. Not rarely is there a pattern of similar violence in this type of offenders, ” says Mikael Rying.

is Deemed to be healthy

33-year-old is sentenced to a long series of serious violent crimes, including several against former girlfriends. In 2004, he beat a man in Fagersta so hard that he died some time later.

During the häktningsförhandlingen he should have admitted that he caused the woman’s injuries. He has undergone a major psychiatric examination, according to the statement from the national laboratory of forensic science does not show that he suffered from any serious mental disorder at the time of the dödsmisshandeln.


This has happened

on Saturday the 4th of June, beaten a 41-year-old woman in Bromma in Stockholm, so hard that she later dies.

33-year-old calling himself the police and arrested on the spot.

He had previously polisanmälts of the woman for the assault and has been charged in his absence suspicious for rough kvinnofridskränkning.

a Few days before the beating drew the prosecutor returned the case and lifted the arrest. The reason given was that the woman did not participate in the investigation.

Now being prosecuted 33-year-old for murder. He made for the rough fridskränkning consisting of, among other things, assault, unlawful threat and molestation.

If any error was committed when the initial investigation was closed down to be examined by the attorney-general’s tillsynsavdelning.

Source: TT’s news archive, the Prosecutor’s office



Parents omhäktade for suspected murder – Expressen

I want to Expressen should be the magazine which is most generous with the rebuttal, corrections, and how we report any censure from the Press Council.

the Swedish newspaper Expressen’s ambition is clear. In our “Quality policy” switch, I wired it as published to be accurate. My first decision as editor-in-chief was to establish a fixed place in the magazine and on the site for corrections. But we are humans. Who make mistakes, get ripped off or rushed to carelessness. There are a few explanations to the errors in the media, but the excuse still not to the editorial staff of one exposure for publicitetsskada.

the Express newspaper is behind the “Ethical rules for press, radio and tv” formulated by the publicist club, the Swedish union of journalists, newspaper publishers, the Swedish Magazines, Swedish Radio, Swedish Television and Swedish educational Broadcasting company.

“the Rules are more of guidelines than a formal set of rules,” notes the Public press ombudsman (PO). What is good media ethics must be determined from case to case, and there is no exact answer. But it is good that the matter is discussed.

Expressen speak often and feel free to be clear, we inspect and we disclose; it is journalism that is not everyone will appreciate what we are telling them. If you believe you are a victim of a publicitetsskada is the fastest way to get redress, please contact us: e-mail to or call our nyhetsdesk on telephone: 08-738 30 00. But it is also possible to make a so-called PO-notification to get a pressetisk trial.
