Confessed fatal shooting in Norrahammar
2014-11-15 00:11
One of the two boys, 16 and 17 years old, who were arrested for murder and attempted murder of two young men in Norrahammar in October, has admitted.
According to Assistant Prosecutor Eleanor Dufva got recognition in connection with the initial detention hearing.
But the inquiry is surrounded by so much secrecy that there is so much more to give out right now, says dove to Jönköping-Posten
The other suspect denies any involvement, however. Both omhäktades on Friday.
The two young lawyers argue that there is no recognition.
We deny crimes. That’s what was said behind closed doors, says 17-year-old lawyer Mikael Nilsson, told the newspaper.
When shooting incident died in a 17 year old while a 16 year old was injured. The 16-year-old is suspected, according to multiple media, in turn, for the attempted murder of three men in Malmo in October. Neither the police or prosecutors would comment if there is any connection between the two events.
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