Thursday, October 20, 2016

Politicians in Lund believed in the myths about the lap of luxury for the renegade ICE warriors – Helsingborgs Dagblad

the Three bourgeois parties request that the specific investments in jobs and housing for returning jihadis are deleted from the Lund action plan. But such a thing has never existed in the plan – the claim is a cake baked spread among the other by a Russian state propagandakanal.

Philip Sandberg (L) Inga-Kerstin Eriksson (C) and Christer Wallin (M) requires that the municipality should “scrap the generous support programme for returning jihadis”.Image: Ingemar D Kristiansen

Sydsvenskan spring 2015 told about two young people in lund, who were suspected to have joined himself to the ICE, they asked the four ruling coalition parties had agreed that the municipality would develop a plan of action against våldsbejakande extremism.

Other parties hooked quickly, and an action plan was developed. The plan states-among other things-that all suspicions will be passed to the police intelligence service. “If they are suspected of crimes treated by the police according to the applicable rules and procedures,” it says in the plan.

The new action plan had the support of all parties except the Left party, who thought that the definition of “våldsbejakande extremism” was too vague. Also, The sweden democrats were on the ball, and the plan pushed by the city council on February 3, 2016.
week, the plan suddenly a riksnyhet, when Anna Sjöstrand, Lund coordinator against våldsbejakande extremism, was interviewed in the Morgonekot. She said that the defectors from the ICE that served their sentences should have the same right to support as any other.

In the same npr story spoke also kriminologen Christoffer Carlsson, who on behalf of the National coordinator against våldsbevakande extremism written a report about how the society can help the defectors from extremist environments. Defectors can, for example, need help with driver’s license, debt restructuring or a roof over your head, ” he said.

Element resulted in a debate in which the interviews in the Morgonekot was seen as evidence that the dissident jihadis now have a cream to work and housing. “Why should the return folkmördare get debt and housing?” asked the Gefle Dagblad in an editorial.

After a few laps over Sweden flew tidningsankan on to the big world.

“municipality of Lund in southern Sweden is now considering to give jihadistavhoppare incentives to reintegration in society. The proposed benefits are a housing allowance, help with re-employment and free license”, wrote the newspaper the Daily Express in the Uk.
another british newspaper, The Sun, claimed that Lund’s municipality had developed a plan with the contribution to the jihadis as a result of Christoffer Carlsson’s report.
The Russian state propagandakanalen RT latched on and claimed that the return of islamists in Lund could hope for free housing and driving licences and tax breaks. After publiceringarna in English spread the erroneous news of the week in many other countries.

Now it has landed in Lund in the form of a letter to the municipal government with the title “Scrap the generous support programme for returning jihadis”.

the Jihadists will not be offered a “support programme with funding of driver’s license, housing, jobs and livelihood”, it says in the letter. Therefore, the need to plan for the work against våldsbejakande extremism to be rewritten, consider the three politicians who are behind the letter.

“All the parts that allude to specific investments such as jobs and housing for returning jihadists” must be deleted in the new version of the plan, mean the signatories.

In reality, however, it is nothing about these special bets in the existing action plan. It should be the politicians who sent the letter know, because they represent the three parties that stood behind the original proposal for an action plan.

Philip Sandberg (L), Inga-Kerstin Eriksson (C) and Christer Wallin (M), who signed the letter, were also themselves at the kommunstyrelsemötet who approved the final version of the plan on February 3, 2016.

None of the three can now say what they want to deleting from the action plan. But the plan must still be written about, ” says Philip Sandberg:

– Many refugees who come to Lund may have fled from the IS beheadings, rape and torture. We’ll then look them in the eye and say that their perpetrators should be received with a hug at the municipality and get priority access to housing and jobs?

There is no such thing in the plan, what is it you want to delete?

– It is the officials who should propose how this should change so that it becomes clear.

You write that some parts should be deleted, then you must well be able to say what it is like to be away?

” No, but… We want to have a proposal from officials, which shows that it is not possible to interpret in this way.

Even No-Kerstin Eriksson believes that the plan needs to be rewritten so that it can not be interpreted incorrectly.

– It is problematic if it can be interpreted so that it will be a cream for these people.

She can, however, also point to any section in the current plan, which would be interpreted as.

According to the oppositionsrådet Christer Wallin has Conservatives all the time thought that the action plan is too weak and unclear. He wants to remember that there is a reservation with the contents of the election protocol.

There are it also. But not from the Conservatives. Christer Wallin’s party stood wholeheartedly behind the plan which he now criticises.

kommunstyrelseledamot, which reserved itself the left party Hanna Gunnarsson.

” We had a long discussion about it in the party. The plan was perceived as too vague.

Hanna Gunnarsson are surprised to learn that C, L and M now suddenly criticizing the plan for unclear reasons.

– It is little wonder that the castles are writing a letter on a thing that does not exist. Of course, there is no sour cream for the return. The municipality will not share out a few homes to the right and the left. We have a work environment where social services comply with the laws, regulations and guidelines.


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