Moderates want that organized begging is prohibited in Sweden. The party would, among other things, that the municipalities be given the opportunity to hire personnel order to ensure that the illegal settlements are not made permanent.
“Conservatives do not want to forbid individuals to beg but we can not accept a comprehensive and organized begging in the country,” the party secretary Tomas Tobé and the Chairman of the Committee on Justice Beatrice Ask on Dagens Nyheter.
In the article it is not crystal clear what counts as “organized” begging, but the authors refer to a report presented by the County Administrative Board in Stockholm last year, where the assessment was that between 300 and 500 people during 2013 can be used for begging. The information in this report was based on information from police, municipalities and NGOs.
The country’s laws apply
Tobé and Ask now calling for more and updated mapping for the better in detail to clarify what the situation is today, “but the number of beggars and the extensive distribution in the country suggest that it is often based on an organized and structured activities.”
According to the latest estimates, these are for between 4 000 and 6 000 people are SIIG in Sweden in order to beg and number can be expected to rise further.
The article states that it is mostly people from EU countries begging, particularly from Romania and Bulgaria and the authors state that freedom of movement is a “fundamental pillar of EU cooperation.”
“But the freedom is not absolute and may already be restricted on grounds of public order, security or health. Everyone must Moreover, following the legislation in each member country, “writes both the Conservatives.
Terms of eviction
In specific terms, the municipalities get” tool to meet challenges on the streets, squares and parks. This includes the ability to “ensure that the illegal settlements do not arise or become permanent.”
The authors also want to order the law to be reviewed as well as the rules of residence and eviction on private land, and to the regulatory framework for Kronofogdemyndigheten simplified.
M-proposal, which also includes increased demands on those EU countries the majority of beggars come from, will be presented to the party meeting in the fall.

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