Thursday, December 29, 2016

Baby was discharged from the New Karolinska – dog – the Express newspaper

Seven-month-old While Kaakoush died in the home on the onsdagseftermiddagen.

Just hours earlier she had been written out of the New Karolinska Solna.

” the Doctor repeated three times “this is not a hotel”, says the girl’s father Ashraf Kaakoush.

It started on christmas day when Ashraf Kaakoush came home to his seven-month-old daughter While Kaakoush.

” My little daughter was happy and laughed that her dad came home. I lifted her up and patted her and felt that she had a small lump in the ear that was about the same size as an earring.

He phoned the hospital who said that they didn’t have to come in as an emergency because the girl has not had a fever. Instead, they were asked to go to the clinic the next day.

Later the same evening spilled one of the girl’s siblings hot tea on her leg, which resulted in a burn.

the Parents called for an ambulance which drove the girl to the Karolinska hospital. They got the news that the wound was large but not so dangerous. The father mentioned that the girl also had a lump and the staff said they would check on it at the same time.

“I lifted her up and patted her and felt that she had a small lump in the ear that was about as big as an earring,” says the father Ashraf Kaakoush.

The 27 december, the tuber has become even greater.

the Girl had a fever and it came not from the burn. The surgeon comes and says that you have to go home now. The wound has healed and there is no danger, ” says Ashraf Kaakoush.

Three times repeated the doctor that it was not a hotel and that the family must go home, despite the fact that the girl had a fever.

When the family got the girl worse. When the mother looked to her, she should have been completely blue. Shortly thereafter, she died.

According to the hospital’s press service, the event will be investigated.

Today’s News was the first to report on the event.


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