Police can now confirm that it is the missing man has been found in Skatås. At 14:20 on Easter Sunday says Sahlgrenska press office that the condition is life-threatening.
Police and the Home Guard has since Easter Saturday sought a man of 45 years old who were reported missing. He was last seen at 14 o’clock on Easter Eve in Skatås.
The search for Easter Eve, including helicopters, were unsuccessful, and continued throughout the night.
On Easter morning said Joakim Hansson, assistant officer in charge of the County Command, the active search was going on and that it would be extended during the day.
– Military will be inserted. It is a special event, he said.
At half past ten on Easter Sunday said police spokesperson Thomas Fuxborg that a person has been found in Skatås. But much more information than that he could not give the time.
– 10:44 I have a statement that paramedics working with him. Possibly a fotfraktur or another fracture.
Shortly after 11 am, however, could Thomas Fuxborg confirm that it is the missing man was found.
– It is the right man. That’s what we’ve been looking for. He is alive, but not conscious. He will be brought to the Sahlgrenska says Fuxborg.
Sahlgrenska’s press office said only that the condition was critical. At 14:20 the name was changed to “life threatening”.

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