The government is investing SEK 620 million in increased train maintenance this year.
Then 1.24 billion annually between 2016 and until 2018.
– The This increases and improves conditions for both commuters and freight traffic, said Finance Minister Magdalena Andersson (S).
By 15 April, the government of Social Democrats and the Green Party put his spring budget, and also present the economic direction for the remainder of the term.
Today, keeps Prime Minister Stefan Löfven (S) and Magdalena Andersson, Gustav Fridolin and Åsa Romson a press conference about one of his budget news. The headline of the press conference is future investments for more jobs and a more climate friendly community.
For commuters and freight
The presentation takes place at Infranord depot at the roundhouse in Sundbyberg and contains a bet on the railroad. The focus is on the question of maintenance of the railroad and local climate investments.
Already this year the government wants to invest 620 million dollars on the maintenance of the railway. For future years the emphasis is 1.24 billion.
According to the Minister of Finance will focus on efforts put on the busiest routes and come both rail commuters and freight benefit.
– There is a increase in rail maintenance by about 20 percent next year. So it is clear that it will have an effect, says Magdalena Andersson.
Nationalized maintenance
Founded just over a year ago gathered Löfven media in one place. Then, as the S-leader, he struck a blow to re-nationalize the maintenance of the railroad by transforming state-owned Infranord to a unit within the Swedish Transport Administration. But also that it would take over private maintenance contracts when they expire, and then include them in the same unit. This same promise was repeated later at a press conference at the central station in Stockholm before the autumn elections.
Among other things, the union Seko has called for the government to return with their promise of spring.
Better for commuters and freight
The budget was voted down by parliament last autumn reappeared government with some of the proposals on investments for better rail services. When coupled investments in infrastructure hard to Löfvens jobbmål on the EU’s lowest unemployment in 2020.
Until 2018 they wanted to add five billion more, in addition to previously announced initiatives, including enhanced maintenance of the railway. The objective of the train service was lifted that they wanted to see an improvement for both rail commuters and freight.
Critical inquiry is expected
Since earlier it is also clear that the government “shortly” is expected to present the conclusions of a comprehensive investigation of the Swedish Transport Administration.
SVT has revealed that the criticism of the work will be extensive. Among other things, expected investigator stating that the money for maintenance has increased over the years, but that the effect of the extra pennies have been reluctant. Where the money has gone has been difficult to follow because Transport Administration documentation has been substandard, it emerged in connection with the disclosure.

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