During Tuesday night was reached members of the Sweden democratic movement and the entire Swedish population of the news that the Sweden Democrats opened an expulsion case against SDU General Secretary Gustav Kasselstrand. Some basis for why an exclusion case opened has not been presented, however, the coarse epithets and unjust accusations rained tight.
The exclusion of SDU ‘Union is unconscionable and can be criticized for several reasons.
Firstly, there are no ideological or political differences between party and youth. This is bizarre claims as completely unfounded. That as two different organizations choose to have a different profile issues or conducting various political campaigns is of course quite natural but in actual substantive issues, there are no differences between party and youth.
In the second painting is now a picture of that it is in the SDU problems with extremist connections and ideologically deviant individuals are, when in fact it is so that it is the party that repeatedly forced to decide whether extremists and racists should be excluded. The SDU we have not had these problems and in the SDU will not be accepted dealings with either left- or right-wing extremists.
Third, the lack of communication by the Party ridiculous. They choose not to actively engage in dialogue with comrades who in many cases worked closely with for several years, in order to be able to
The attacks we see now is not just an attack on the SDU’s management but a brutal attack on the entire federation and especially to the thousands of members who democratically chosen Gustav Kasselstrand to the General Secretary. There is no doubt about who it is SDU members want to see as General Secretary and in the last days also have the support of these have been overwhelming. Gustav Kasselstrand is and remains the Chair of the SDU, no matter what action the party takes. This way to quell internal public opinion is unprecedented in modern Swedish political history and the absurd abuse of power in Sweden Democrats must cease immediately.
Jessica Ohlson, National Secretary SDU
Camilla Jonasson, Member SDU’s National

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