The great controversy between SD’s party leadership and the Youth League is raging now in the full glare.
Some 20 party members now risk being kicked out of the party.
One of them kicked out is the SDU President Gustav Kasselstrand.
– With Mattias Karlsson turned the party into a freakshow, says Kassel Beach Aftonbladet.
Earlier today could Aftonbladet reveal that William Hahne, SDU’s vice chairman and chairman of the SD City of Stockholm, will be excluded from the party. Several of his close confidante risk the same fate.
According to Hahnemann himself going on there right now a “mass expulsion” of the party and he is very harsh in his criticism of Mattias Karlsson, who stood in as party leader during Jimmie Åkesson’s absence.
Two months ago, there was a personnel matter if Hahne future.
– The new thing now is that you allow yourself to people around me. Those who somehow has demonstrated some form of support for me should also be excluded. It’s Gestapo or the Stasi methods, said Hahne.
“Do not SD’s development”
The basis for the chaos in the party is a several years old battle between the SD line and the rulers of the SDU about what ideological way the party should take.
On Twitter confirms Gustav Kasselstrand that he was expelled from the mother party.
– I hereby confirm that the information that the party has opened an expulsion case on me. Such misuse of powers is totally, he writes.
At a meeting of the party’s member committee last week, it was decided that individual cases will be opened against a total of more than about 20 Sweden Democrats, among them Kassel Beach.
In short can thus large parts of the youth association management have been excluded.
According to Aftonbladet sources is Kassel Strands case that there is “clear evidence” that he is trying to take over the party and keep it in a completely different ideological orientation than the current, a more hard-nationalist orientation.
– It is comparable to when the Trotskyists tried to infiltrate the Social Democrats. But if you do not buy the idea of SD as a social conservative centrist party will not be able to represent us anymore, says a source familiar with.
Among the others who risk exclusion are more closely acquainted with the SDU management. Several of them are suspected to have had dealings with the extreme right-wing organization Nordic youth. 4-5 singled Aftonbladet sources like the doubly occupied in both the Nordic youth and SD.
– They oppose the party’s social conservatism and the like are simply not SD’s development. Several of them have expressed directly anti-Semitic and is not really Sweden Democrats, says a source.
The Great Battle
It is far from the first time that Kassel Beach and Hahne end up in conflict with the mother party . 2012 received SDU chairman fired from her job as political secretary of SD’s parliamentary group after he repeatedly openly conflict with the party leadership.
Sources in SD describes it as taking place now that the great battle between the party leadership and SDU. Lately Youth League moved its positions significantly, especially when William Hahne won the Chairman of the battle in the district in Stockholm over the party leadership candidate.
The over 20′s people at risk of exclusion has now got home letters from member committee which they are asked to come up with an opinion on the charges filed against them. Since the committee shall decide on the cases should be closed, if a warning is sent, or they think members should be excluded. This will send the matter to the party who then makes the final decision whether they should be kicked out of the party or not.
According to Aftonbladet experience available in the party, which will meet next on April 27, a large majority that supports the line as party leader Jimmie Åkesson and group leader Mattias Karlsson.
A source within the SDU says to Aftonbladet:
– The party and member of the Committee are puppets for Mattias Karlsson. All indications are that all they want utsluta will be excluded.
Kassel Beach: Two bitter loser
Gustav Kasselstrand is in the evening very upset.
– I was elected by the SDU members on a democratic basis for representing 5,000 members. Mattias Karlsson commit now abuse that is unparalleled in Swedish modern political history. I thought SD was a democratic party, he said.
Last fall was challenged Kassel Beach on the chair of the SDU of Henry Wing, which today is the press secretary for the party leadership.
– Vinge was Karl’s stooge and they lost the battle. Then he chooses to exclude me. Here we have two really bitter loser.
According to Kassel Beach it is a given that he will be ruled out shortly. But he is fully set to both he and William Hahne will remain in the SDU top.
– I was elected by the members and it would be a betrayal of them if I stepped back.
Kassel Strand says that there are no ideological differences between him and Mattias Karlsson, something the latter states.
– This is about his use of an abuse of power. He has been variously porridge authoritatively stated that he is goodness defender. All others are ideological deviants. I share Mattias Karlsson’s view in any ideological issue. There are no conflicts, but he is afraid of the popular who can think for themselves.
Kassel Beach would not yet predict too far into the future.
– I have not finally thought clearly about this. But my point is that I remain as SDU Chairman. What the future holds, I see. But my support of the union’s massive. If the party leadership thought they would undermine me, they have made an error analysis.
This weekend, collected 110 SDU representatives and elected for a conference, which had been planned long ago.
– Then I informerna them of the situation, says Kassel Beach.
He believes that the party leadership’s focus changed dramatically when Mattias Karlsson took Jimmie Åkesson’s place last fall.
– With Karlsson turned the party into a freakshow. I had hoped that Åkesson would restore order now. But even if it’s Karlsson, who is the architect behind this is Åkesson that will last for the club when I dropped by the party.

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