After ten years of joint budgets are now choosing alliance parties to go forward with separate budget.
This was announced by the Alliance Party Secretary during a press briefing on Wednesday.
– We want to earn more voters’ trust and we need to develop. It needs to be done individually and collectively. It will make the alliance stronger, says Moderates’ party secretary Tomas Tobé.
Over the last ten years, the four Alliance parties presented shared budgets. But now opting parties to stand on their own feet, and adds separate budget in 2015, writes party secretaries Tomas Tobé (M), Maria Arnholm (FP), Michael Arthur Andersson (C) and Acko Ankarberg (KD) in Dagens Nyheter today. The reason is that the parties are now facing a major political development after the election defeat last fall.
On Wednesday morning were the four party secretaries a joint press conference. Then they developed the reasoning behind the decision to submit individual budgets.
– The parties want to invest in their own
The upcoming vårändringsbudgeten however, they will put together, says Tomas Tobé.
– We believe it is important to provide information and prepare. Let us give a clear message to Stefan Löfven: We will not be supporting portion of your government. We will honor that the country will be managed but not the country to be mishandled, says Tomas Tobé.
He continues:
– Regarding the surplus target, we will not accept an individual act from the government. We are ready to bring censure if required.
But the alliance cooperation continues, assures party secretaries and it will put a joint election manifesto for the next general election.
– Our party leader will do common things the next few years while we develop our own policies, says Acko Ankarberg.

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