Friday, November 18, 2016

Kinberg Batra: this has damaged the Conservatives – the Swedish newspaper svenska Dagbladet

Anna Kinberg Batra. Photo: Vilhelm Stokstad/TT

yesterday, I was sad and angry.

the Day after the M-politician Delmon Haffo-called social insurance Annika Strandhäll (S) for whore in a video on the web visit the Conservatives party leader, Nacka gymnasium.

She began her speech to the pupils, with yesterday’s social medieskandal.

– yesterday I was sad and angry, ” she says.

– yesterday called one of our employees a political opponent for something totally unacceptable.

Delmon Haffo, digital communicator and president of M in Salem, was immediately fired from the Conservatives partikansli,and had to leave all of their political mission.

He did his statement when he of the employees were asked to put themselves in front of the camera.

Haffo, who previously directed harsh criticism against Annika Strandhäll (S) in other contexts, say in the live broadcast.

– Annika Strandhäll, it was

not okay to joke about men’s right to vote. Fuck you, your whore!

In a tweet sent out on Wednesday, writes Delmon Haffo that it is important to maintain a good tone in the discussion.

Anna Kinberg Batra says to Aftonbladet that Delmon Haffos statement has damaged the Conservatives.

– Yes, it has. Now we stand here and we talk about it here instead. It takes power from the political discourse.

the 24-year-old Haffo,, who is trained at the university of Linköping, had been the Conservatives digital communicator for more than a year. He is a member of the Stockholm county landstingsfullmäktige, in the Salem city council and also a member of the Child-
and of the board of Education (M).

He has also previously worked as an editor for the football club Assyriska in Södertälje, sweden.


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