Hanif Bali. Photo: Dan Hansson
Anna Kinberg Batra deny that the recent serious rumors, personal attacks would be an expression of a problematic partikultur within the moderate party.
It was on Thursday last week that the Conservatives digital communicator Delmon Haffo said "fuck you, your whore!" addressed to the social insurance Annika Strandhäll (S) in a live broadcast on Youtube – at the same time as colleagues are heard laughing.
Haffo, who also had done previously, criticized the move in the social media, was promptly fired. Further, a person on the Research communications department has been forced to leave his post and three others have received warnings.
Anna Kinberg Batra. Photo: Stina Stjernkvist/TT
At a journalistträff in parliament on Tuesday, explained Kinberg Batra, to the Conservatives now to make a fresh start with the digital communication and that the party seeking a new head of communications after Per Nilsson – that continue in the party as head of research with responsibility for public opinion.
Moderatledaren defended at the same time Nilsson, who also got into the action after a post on Facebook a couple of weeks ago where he wrote: "When they go low, we kick them in the balls". Kinberg Batra said that she preferred Michelle Obama’s variant: "When they go low, we go high" but that she has continued confidence in Nilsson.
” I reject is not, Per Nilsson as a person. It is ultimately my decision to keep him, said Kinberg Batra.
She also commented on the controversial member of parliament, Hanif Bali (M) that elected officials have a personal responsibility for how they express themselves in social media.
– It is well known that Hanif Bali more times have been on the brink, and sometimes over the border, of what is acceptable, ” said Kinberg Batra.
M-leader made it clear at the same time that the requirement to hyfsa the tone of the public debate will not prevent her and partikamraterna from directing harsh criticism against the political opponents in the future.
– you are Allowed to be angry in the public debate? Jajamensan! The public debate would be unbearable otherwise, ” she said.
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