Recent research shows that the choice may be influenced by the opinion polls.
A series of opinion polls have recently shown that election night can be a real thriller. The difference between the two blocks is shrinking, especially the small bourgeois parties go ahead in polls. The Centre Party is, for example, on solid ground in the latest polls to periodically been absent from parliament in opinion polls during the electoral period.
Although the Liberal Party and the Christian Democrats have been in trouble in many opinion polls in recent years, but all three of the bourgeois small parties now seem to be on the safe side and looks to the margin reaching at least four percent of the votes required to get seat in parliament.
In addition, approaching the Feminist Initiative four percent threshold at a brisk pace. In Demoskop / Expressen measurement on Wednesday may get FI entire 3.7 percent. The Novus / TV4 get FI 3.4 percent.
A contributing factor to the success of small parties can be the polls themselves. Annika peace, a graduate student at Lund University, has shown experimentally that voters tend to use the information from the measurements when choosing how the voice is added. Established parties in opinion is below latch tend to get more votes and challenger approaching latch favored.
– Bourgeois voters who were undecided in the spring may now have decided to vote for C or KD, while FI supporters now see that there is a chance that the party comes in, says Annika peace.
To the final week before the election, the polls are closer than cats and dogs. But Annika Fredén still think not that the amount of measurements is a problem.
– They are even a part of the voters’ decisions, she says.
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