Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Confidence in an M-led government continues to increase in recent Aftonbladet / United … – Aftonbladet

Confidence in an M-led government continues to increase in recent Aftonbladet / United … – Aftonbladet

Best government alternative current good economic development in Sweden

A government led by the Moderate Party: 46.3 (+2.1)

A social democratic led government: 32.8 (0.0)

Other Government: 10.9 (-0.2)

No opinion: 10.0 (-1.9)

Best option regarding government to create jobs and combat unemployment

A government led by the Moderate Party: 37.2 (+2.1)

The Social Democratic-led government: 43.0 (0.4)

Other Government: 10.2 (-1.5)

No opinion: 9.6 (-1, 0)

Best government option regarding good quality in healthcare

A government led by the Moderate Party: 25.9 (+2.0)

A social democratic-led government: 48.7 (-0.8)

Other Government: 13.5 (-1.1)

No opinion: 11.8 (-0.3)

Best government option regarding good schools and education

A government led by the Moderate Party: 32.2 (+0.7)

A social democratic-led government: 41.5 (+0.3)

Other Government: 14.4 (-0.5)

No opinion: 11 , 8 (-0.6)

Best alternative government regarding the environment and climate

A government led by the Moderate Party: 23.5 (+2.8)

A social democratic-led government: 32.2 (+0.5)

Other Government: 27.8 (-1.0)

No idea: 16.5 (-2.4)

Swedish Development

in the right direction: 34.3 (+1.9)

Neutral: 22.6 (-0.4)

the wrong direction: 43.1 (-1.5)

key policy issues

Schools and education: 39 (0.0)

Unemployment / Employment: 34 (+3.0)

Healthcare: 29 (0, 0)

Eldercare: 23 (-1.0)

Refugee and Immigration Policy: 22 (-1.0)

Environment and climate: 16 ( -2.0)

Taxes: 13 (0.0)

Finance / Economic Development / Finance: 13 (+1.0)

Residential: 9 (0.0)

Pensions: 8 (-2.0)

The survey was conducted by United Minds in cooperation with Cint. 1150 people participated in the survey 5 to 8 September 2014 They responded well to the question of how they believe that Sweden developed (on a seven-point scale, where 1 means “completely in the wrong right direction” and 7 means “a very positive way”) and on a number of questions about the government that they perceive would bring the best policy in various fields. They also answered the question “Which of the following political issues are most important when choosing a party in the next election?” Where they presented a list of 28 policy issues, some of which they could choose three. The respondents comprise a nationally representative sample of the Swedish population 18 years and over with regard to gender, age and regional distribution. The results have been weighted based on how respondents voted in the fall election, and based on Internet usage.


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