Sunday, January 29, 2017

Man filmed when he tied the young – Expressen

the Man tied the young people and put a plastic bag over their heads until they nearly suffocated.

Everything was filmed, according to new data to Kvällsposten.

Now the man in custody.

the Police received a complaint against the Blekingemannen on Wednesday. Early on Thursday morning he was arrested.

” It went smoothly. In any case, I haven’t heard anything else, prosecutor John Dagnevik, who is leading the investigation, said earlier.

the Man, who is in her 40s, is suspected of 14 cases of aggravated assault and 14 cases of abusive and unlawful coercion.

the Prosecutor has previously said that it involves multiple victims – but not how many people it applies to, or how old they are.

Young people victim of crime

Now, can Kvällsposten reveal that it is about the six plaintiffs, and that they are young people.

the Scene of the crime is in all cases the man’s home in the county, something which the prosecutor confirmed.

According to the new data to the Kvällsposten has the man forced the young people to sit on a chair, whereupon he tied them.

the Man has come in contact with the young people under their occupation, which is tied to a sport. He is a very dominant person, according to the Kvällspostens sources, and have said to young people that it is about "a förtroendelek".

Have assaulted their victims

When the young people well been tied he has beaten them both with open hand and with weapons.

He should also have put a plastic bag over their heads until they were close to losing consciousness. The whole thing was filmed, according to Kvällspostens data.

the Prosecutor would not confirm details of the course of events.

” I want to be able to go out with a more detailed statement later. I comment on it now, ” he said on Sunday.

Despite the fact that there are many questions in the history view John Dagnevik that he has a clear picture of what we in the suspected crimes.

” oh, Yes, I would say. We have a clear picture of the facts, ” says John Dagnevik.

the Man’s previous good character. On Friday was arrested by the Blekinge district court. He denies the crime, but has admitted some facts. The police have made several seizures, including computers.


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