Friday, January 2, 2015

12 years in prison for manslaughter in Hageby – Swedish Radio

12 years in prison for manslaughter in Hageby – Swedish Radio

12 years in prison for manslaughter was the verdict against the 36-year-old man who stood accused of double murder in connection with the large family altercation in Hageby in Norrköping at Easter. His 33-year-old brother, who also stood accused, acquitted entirely by the district court.

The background to the altercation was an infected conflict between two clans, culminating in the Easter celebrations . On a street in the district Hageby shot two men, even the brothers to death and a third was injured badly injured, but survived.

The prosecutor had demanded that both brothers were convicted of murder, but the Norrköping District Court states that what happened is not characterized by planning and the older brother acted under provocation in a very fast process. Therefore he is sentenced for manslaughter, two attempted manslaughter and one case of aggravated assault.

His 33-year-old brother, who was already released when the trial ended, acquitted entirely by the district court, which considers the prosecution evidence not been sufficient.


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