The gap between the blocks have more than halved – in just three days.
The new Aftonbladet / United Minds is different now just 4.2 percent.
– The Social Democrats can not be as sure of an election victory as before, says analyst Felix Åberg.
The new Aftonbladet / United Minds reduces the gap between the Alliance and the red-green to record low. Not since November 2012 has been so little distance.
Compared to the latest poll from last Saturday, the gap has more than halved from 9 percent to 4.2 in just three days.
– I was mildly surprised. Although much has spoken to the gap would shrink, I had not expected a really big movement. This result means that the Social Democrats might not be quite as confident as before an election victory, says Felix Atkins, analyst at United Minds.
Both Sifo opinion poll from the weekend and Novus from yesterday showed similar results with gap of 4.5 percentage points respectively 5th
Good in debates
This is because the smaller Alliance parties going forward. The Liberal Party and the Christian Democrats is increasing – something those of Felix Åberg usually do in election campaigns – but especially the Centre Party takes a leap upwards by 1.9 percentage points.
The explanation is thought to be an Annie Loof effect.
– Annie Loof has made good debates and also did well in the party leadership hearing at SVT, says Atkins.
The Centre Party has also noticed that the voters have shown great interest in the party’s key issues, small businesses and rural areas.
– It is of course gratifying, but it is on Election Day, it will be decided. Now it’s about continuing to talk about matters of the heart: food, jobs, the environment and the countryside to get a great result on election night. We can demonstrate clear evidence of results and we also want to continue the way forward, says Annie Loof on the new figures in Aftonbladet / United Minds.
While backing all of the red-green parties, the Social Democrats by 0.9 percentage points.
“This shows that the choice will be very even. It may be occasional voices of Sweden will get a strong new government with Stefan Löfven as prime minister, “said party secretary Carin Jämtin (S) in a written comment.
She does not want to answer any questions there.
A few days ago it was the opposite and the Moderates’ party secretary who did not respond to follow-up questions.
The Red-Green bloc, despite their lead, no absolute majority if elections were held today.
“A joke”
The Green Party is the party that runs most of the Aftonbladet / United Minds, by 1.3 percentage points.
– That’s polls, I am interested of election results. And I’m interested in a result that clearly shows that we can change the government to a much more climate and environmentally friendly alternative, which does not make itself dependent on SD, says spokesman Asa Romson the party’s race.
She calls The Alliance and the Center Party’s climate policy ‘a joke’.
– It has stood still for the Alliance. Environmentalists call this the lost years. So we can not have it with the environmental issue, it is too important for our children.
SD slopes a little
Meanwhile, the Alliance got scent of victory. Kent Persson, Moderates’ party secretary, rejoice measurement.
– This shows that the gap decreases quite sharply and quickly. With this momentum, we will win the election, he says, and continues:
– We feel we have a tailwind. Now it’s about to get too Moderates pulling their share. We will pick the final voters and I am confident that we will do it.
Parliamentary latch begins however Feminist Initiative to work their way up, and end up at 3.4 percent in the poll. It is the highest result since the middle of August.
– It is near the parliament latch. If the party would climb 0.6 percentage points to get into parliament, we would see a completely different size of the gap, says Felix Åberg.
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