– We need to get welfare that we can trust. Annie Loof how much more are you going to privatize welfare, wondered Jonas Sjöstedt (V) and continued:
– Taking money from our children and put in their own pockets, we think that is wrong.
Annie Loof (C) countered with the fact that most workers in the private companies are satisfied with it. There she pointed out is that the quality must be increased where it is too low, not to stop the profits.
– Prohibits to win, so it prohibits freedom of choice and diversity, said Annie Loof and continued:
– There is also hitting the legs of all the women who have had a career in welfare. I call it dishonest feminism.
Her alliance colleague Göran Hägglund (KD), also addressed the issue of quality as the most important aspect of what needs to be improved in some of the private school and healthcare companies.
– Our view is that it is poor quality to be controlled, while the opposition takes the output of who conducts the business, he said.
Hagglund criticized both the Green Party and the Social Democrats they move from the agreement that was made with the Alliance under friskolekommittén.
The Green Party’s Åsa Romson high direct and noted that while there was an agreement, but that the Alliance had another Given the reform than the Green Party and the Social Democrats:
– It’s true what Göran Hägglund said that we had an agreement, but the difference is that you see it as any market. For you, the school and the care that a construction company. We have to go beyond that, we must ensure that there is no profit motive that control, she said.
Stefan Löfven (S) was lifted into the debate and had to explain if he is closest to the Alliance or the Left in profit issue.
– Water Parts are here, he said, meant that the Alliance does not want the same thing as the Social Democrats.
According Löfven can The Alliance is not set up on the tough quality requirements The Social Democrats want to regulate.
Jan Björklund (Liberal) said it was distressing to hear Löfvens arguments.
– You usually talk about partisan agreements and we have one of the independent schools. Now you are stressed because Sjöstedt’ll take your votes, and now you dare not stand up for what we agreed on. Allowing private schools and private health care companies, said Bjorklund.
The next topic was school.
Jan Bjorklund hit fixed to the Alliance, among other things, would give teachers more powers and said it needed more order and clarity to the Swedish school to be better and the results should be raised. Hence the proposal in order of rating, as the Alliance presented.
– Sweden, the country in the world that has the most truancy. Students try to read and work in peace, but do not get it because it’s too messy in the classrooms. We must have order for the weakest students’ sake, he said.
Jimmie Åkesson (SD) then wondered why Bjorklund not impose order tests and more orderliness in the school before.
– You have had eight years on you, Jimmy Åkesson and declared that his party also wants more order in the classroom.
Asa Romsons explanation for why the Alliance failed to create working atmosphere at school , is that the Government has given priority to tax cuts.
The debate continued with a high absenteeism and KD-Hagglund leader spoke of the great problems of absenteeism and early retirement that was there when the Alliance took over the 2006th
– We work conscientiously to improve the health insurance. Sweden sees today better today.
Number Trix retorted Löfven on Hagglunds statistikexcercis. S leader wants to focus more on rehabilitation of the sick.
Now it that people will return to work in a dignified way and we must invest more in rehabilitation.
The next topic was infrastructure and housing, noise control and shoreline protection.
– It would be possible to build thousands of student housing at Bromma airport in Stockholm. MP wants to close down the airport, but that is not the Alliance, said Green Party spokesperson Åsa Romson ..
Prime Minister Reinfeldt said it will be full speed on the construction, starting from the next week, if the Alliance will continue. He said the alliance’s plan Sweden Bygget however extends many years into the future, until 2035, and a lot to be investigated first.
He accused the Green Party to be the party that is most opposed to all construction, when Romson wondered if there are reasons to have noise regulations and standards.
The next question was about taxes.
– Ideally, in the next legislature, the tax gap between pensioners and employed disappear, said Jonas Sjöstedt.
He accused the government to rather reduce taxes for banks than for retirees.
Hagglund wondered how many times the red-green lowered taxes for seniors and thought they red-green most stands and howls about alleged injustices.
Jimmie Åkesson chose to criticize the “left” for its outrage that seniors pay more taxes, because the red-green does not have any concrete suggestions on the tax gap should be removed.
Sjöstedt accused the SD for supporting the government’s fiscal policy and thus contributed to the tax gap.
Åkesson stretched a hand and called V to make up with SD for reduced retirement tax.
The debate went on migration policy and Jimmie Åkesson layed out the text on the growing number of asylum seekers.
– This is the reason that the government has no money to his election manifesto, he says.
Fredrik Reinfeldt said that he is infinitely tired of hearing any debate on immigration initiated with the Sweden Democrats’ stance.
– The reason why I’m in this debate is that you are the other seven parties agree that this (reception center) will be the largest investment next term, said Jimmy Åkesson.
Reinfeldt defended the policy on immigration emphatically and said that he stands up for a better society.
– 700 000 immigrants go to work every day and pay taxes. They do not burn cars. They enrich Sweden, told FP leader Jan Björklund.
The next topic that was discussed jobs. Stefan Löfven was given the opportunity to discuss its proposal of 32 000 trainee jobs for young people.
– It gives young people a chance to get out of unemployment and into welfare and make a difference there, he said.
Annie Loof took up the battle on the level of employer contributions and said the issue was important to the young people in elections on Sunday.
She criticized especially S’s proposal innovationskatapulter, industry chancellor and trainee jobs and argued that the latter are not “real jobs”. Löfven lit to and replied:
– To say that a trainee job in welfare is not a real job without a “place”, it bothers me very much. Disparaging not jobs in welfare.
Reinfeldt said that he will fight to death for the work line.
– Now we got to see a very empty barrel which rattled very much, commented Jonas Sjöstedt ( V).
When it was time to debate environmental accused Asa Romson Reinfeldt to be the prime minister who in eight years trying to emphasize what you can do for the environment.
– It is to face the truth – the old nuclear power will be shut down, said Romson and accused members of the Alliance to try to hold on to it anyway.
– We have not said that we stand on a single leg, replied the Prime Minister when he defended the government’s policy on nuclear power .
He took the opportunity to turn on the question of how the red-green should be able to agree on the future of nuclear power, when the S-controller, according to Reinfeldt, not even know what he wants.
Löfven said that nuclear power in Sweden can be phased out over time, but not in a way that clinches the Swedish industry and the economy.
Reinfeldt asked if the red-green wants to sell the European part of Vattenfall.
– The market prices to determine potential sales of Vattenfall, said Löfven who then criticized the Alliance for Nuon expensive affair.
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