Gender equality is a hot issue in this year’s election campaign.
it were upset feelings when the issue would be debated.
– Can we bring a debate or, roared Jan Björklund to the host Anders Pihlblad.
equality point in tonight’s debate between party leaders joined the Centre Party Annie Loof attacked the Left Party Jonas Sjöstedt, and accused him of that will emit rape sentenced male mid-sentence.
– Crime is not a significant part of the gender issue, said program director Jenny Strömstedt then.
Lighted directly
Annie Loof lit directly.
– That is an attack like no other, says Annie Loof.
She continued to demand answers from Jonas Sjöstedt.
– We forget vulnerable girls and women’s situation. Do you not understand what signal it sends to women subjected to rape convicted men released after half the time, she said, with the direction of Jonas Sjöstedt.
You play on populism, was his answer.
– Everyone in the room is on parole, said Jonas Sjöstedt.
The presenters tried to steer the debate from criminal matters to the quota of corporate boards.
– Can we have a debate or, roared Jan Björklund to TV4′s Anders Pihlblad.
“Gives with one hand”
Instead, the debate was high on root and rut-deductions – which program leaders most wanted to discuss later.
– Ruth and root is a central issue in the debate on gender equality. You want to abolish RUT deduction dominated by women, said Jan Björklund.
Stefan Löfven accused instead alliance government for failing to invest enough on welfare, something he believes would benefit women.
– You give with one hand and takes with the other, there is a welfare scam, he says.
It got Fredrik Reinfeldt to want to protest.
– 13 billion goes mainly to welfare initiatives in our budget. Your so-called long-term care focus means no additional money in government grants.
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