Thursday, September 11, 2014

Government issue favors the Alliance – Swedish Dagbladet

Government issue favors the Alliance – Swedish Dagbladet

– The Alliance has an advantage in that he welding. The Alliance’s criticism of the red-green for a lack of unity and the problem in the event of a government seems some voters have listened to, says political scientist Jenny Pousti.

If instead discussed more welfare, it would probably benefit the Social Democrats, she believes.

S-conductor flashes across the block boundary has so far been met with cold and it has been questioned whether invited are reputable.

According Pousti is unlikely that there will be a government across block boundaries. However, it can be opened up to any agreements during their term.

– Maybe after a year, it is quite realistic that S could find bargains along with FP and or C.

On the issue of Fi to succeed to cross the four percent threshold does she think the chances at present is relatively small.

– As the party in the majority of the measurements are so far from the four percent threshold voters can be deterred from voting for them. It is seen as a wasted vote.


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